16. What Can I Do?

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As she locks the door behind her, Isabella glanced at Freddie who was still ignoring her. Worried some press might be outside, she decided to ask him, "Freddie, would you like to hide at Mrs.Walsh's shop while I get you a cab?" He just shakes his head gently still bent down. He starts to walk slowly towards the cab terminal waiting for her to walk beside him when luckily someone got off a cab just a few steps from them.

She was waiting for him to get in before she heads along to the train station. He doesn't move, just held the door open and looked at her as though asking. "Oh, I'll go ahead and use the train. Have a good day at work" she smiles cheerfully but then he just looked back to the ground and hesitated before going inside the taxi.

The cab went on while she kept looking where she stands until it disappears at the corner. She checked her time, it's just 8:15am and already she was asking when the day should end.


It's the last hour of her shift at the library and she still can't stop thinking of what happened earlier. What did I do? Why was he upset? She went back and forth on her words and can't point a finger what it was that caused Freddie to withdraw from her. She felt so uneasy, causing many little slip ups at work, very unlike her at all.

She was almost done filing the books back to their respective bookcases when she got an idea. Maybe she should bake him some goodies and bring it at the studio? Talk to him then and get to the bottom of it. Pondering on idea some more, she decided she'd give it a go.

At exactly 1pm she left the library and head to the market. She brought enough ingredients to bake for 2 batches just in case she makes a mistake. Isabella decided she'll bake him gooey salted caramel chocolate brownies and some more of those lemon squares he seem to like.

As soon as she's in the flat, she wasted no time and baked away. More than anything else, baking helps ease her mind. It's one of her go to activity during the time when she was in deep mourning. Reading too, but baking gives one a sense of purpose as you see a ready outcome once done. She is by no means an expert baker and knows only a few recipe. That's why she plans to enroll at the free course in baking being offered by the City Council. She mentally notes to contact the number before registration closes.

Finally, at quarter past 5 she's finished doing her treats. She just needs to bring it to the studio. After freshining up she packed the goods and took one last look at the mirror, I hope Freddie is not as crossed at me as he was earlier, she sighs before heading out.


It was around 6:30pm when Isabella arrived. She was recognized by the receptionist who she met the few times she was asked to bring something from Freddie's flat and was told she's welcome to go in the studio.

As she approached the door, she began to worry. What if he's still upset and completely ignores her in front of everyone? That would be humiliating indeed. Well, no use backing out now she urged herself. She pushed the door slightly and come the sound of a waltzy piano playing soon followed by his sweet voice:

Bring out the charge of the love brigade

There is spring in the air once again

Drink to the sound of the song parade

There is music and love everywhere

Give a little love to me (I want it)

Take a little love from me, I want to share it with you

I feel like a millionaire

She was instantly drawn to the sound and proceeded inside not noticing the 3 other band members were seated to the side distracted by her coming in.

Freddie on the other hand continues to sing just focused on the piano:

Once we were mad, we were happy

We spent all our days holding hands together

Do you remember, hmm humm

How we hmm..mmmm..mm..

Hmmm.. Mmm. Hmm..

Hmm.. mmmm.. hmm...  forever and ever

He went on a bit more with the piano parts, absorbed with his music. "There, that's all I've got right now. Feel free to comment but you know, uhmm if you're sort of just like going to uhmm... nit pick on the waltz or whatever then I don't want to hear it!" Freddie irritability spoke while motioning with his hand not even trying to look their way.

"That sounds good actually" Roger says as he pressed a button from the panel, perhaps so he could be heard from behind the glass.

Only then did Isabella noticed the 3 boys were actually there. She blushed a little for her lack of manners and smiled weakly.

"I'll try to figure out where to put the drums" Roger continues while smiling cheekily at her.

"Brian? John?" Freddie asked still not looking.

"Yeah, I do agree, that's a pretty catchy number Fred. I've lots of idea for the guitar section." Spoke Brian.

"I'll think of something with Roger, I'll fit my bass around there. It's good Freddie" John finishes.

"Well that's a change, being agreeable tonight I suppose? What are you wankers on to?" That's when Freddie saw her, at the back corner of the booth almost pressed to the wall.

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