34. Trouble with the Fiancé

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"Hey, how are you feeling Ali?"

Alice looked around her unable to recognize right away where she is. Isabella decided to offer information to help. "You came here on my doorstep just before 6am and decided to faint without explaining the reason on your surprise visit; not that I ever mind you coming over."

"Oohh.... wait! Isabella! Why was Mr.Hotpants Freddie Mercury in your house?!"

"I see your memory is back. First, do you wanna eat something?"

"Please do tell me first Belle, my mind is going bonkers!"

"Okey, but let's do it over breakfast all right?"

"Where is he, has he left already? Oh bum, I haven't gotten an autograph yet!"

"Well yeah, he's left quite awhile ago. To be fair, he was waiting for you to come around, make sure you're all right. Now, we better eat cause it's already 10:18am and it's no good for the baby that you haven't gotten something down for awhile now."

"10:18 is it? That's the current time, you sure?" Alice looked at the wall clock and moaned. "Oh Belle, I'm sorry love. You must be on your way to somewhere and I've held you hostage."

"It's all right Ali, don't stress yourself. I've made pancakes, why don't we start on it while we talk, what'd you think?"

"Thanks Belle, now that you've mentioned pancakes, I do feel like a starved kitten."

The two girls sat at the dinning table while Isabella, in the most wholesome way possible without bending the story to a fault, told Alice about her acquaintance with Freddie and how he ended up in her flat last night.

For her part, Alice explained how she and her fiancé got into a fit and she needed to go away without knowing where to exactly, so she ended up at Isabella's doorstep.

Earlier that day, Freddie said he'll have someone from the studio call the library for her since "it looks like your friend won't be waking up soon" he concluded.


With Alice knocked out on the sofa and clearly there was an unfinished business earlier in the bedroom, Isabella bid her time to take the shower and cook. Her scheme is not lost to Freddie who is letting Isabella go about as if all is in order. But deep inside, his stomach is in knots with frustration. Once he's tasted her kisses, he can't seem to stop from craving her. Resorting to all this silly tactics to the point of desperation is new to him and he is not proud of it. But if that's what it takes then he can certainly play the game.

During their breakfast together, neither Freddie nor Isabella brought up the 'missed incident' of earlier. They instead caught up on the 4 days that they hadn't seen each other with Freddie inviting her to give their 'just completed' song a listen. Isabella of course would love to but told Freddie she must figure out her schedule first before committing to making plans. Surely they must have rotated her schedule in the library and the coffee shop since she had been out for awhile.

She initially thought she might not come back to London after her little impulsive retreat to the Convent. Or if she did come back, that she would definitely not contact Freddie again. But now that they've reconciled as kind of 'friends', Isabella couldn't quite figure out how she should deal with Freddie.

Maybe it's best if she keeps her distance since she obviously can't control herself around him. She knows that Freddie, while no matter how kind he seems to be, is still a Rock God who can deal with anybody's feelings like some sort of game. Isabella doesn't want to take part in it. She always tell herself she must not let Freddie get to her too far and yet all her internal coaching doesn't seem to stick. She shudders at the memory of last night hitting dangerous heights. Her only real way to resist him is to not be around him.

While she was in the middle of an inner crisis monologue, Alice spoke breaking her scowl from concentration. "Belle, won't you need to get going? I could just stay here or look around while you go about your day. Don't let me keep you, I've done enough trouble that's for sure."

On the contrary, you were heaven sent! Isabella almost blurted. "Oh, I decided to skip the library today and would just need to be at the coffee shop in the afternoon so I have a few hours to spend with you, Ali."

"You sure? That's wonderful, we could go window shopping! It's been a long time since we hanged out Belle."

"Sounds good to me! I know just where to go."

And for the rest of the morning and early afternoon, Isabella and Alice went to shops and ate happy food like everything in the world is right. Only the truth is, one is possibly in the middle of a broken engagement while the other might loose her job for pushing a week without real reason to take a leave.


"Hey it's good you're back. I heard from the rest you were out for 2 days on your shift. Is everything all right?" Pete asked cheerfully as he arrived in his coffee shop to check the ledgers.

"Oh, hi Pete. Yes, all is good. I was just attending to some urgent personal matters at home." Isabella smiled back as she was clearing one of the tables.

"I see, well good that you're okey. And by the way, my birthday is next week. Everyone's invited to come, it's my 35th so my family thought we should throw a party."

"Oh that sounds fun, hope I don't have anything set for that day so I could celebrate with you."

"Well, you have to clear your calendar for next Sunday ok? The invites will be posted on the group board. I'll see you all, sweetheart." Isabella's used to people calling her sweet nothings but somehow Pete's endearment makes her slightly uncomfortable. To take the uneasiness away, she makes it a point to remind herself he's being fatherly and that's all there is to it.

So far nothing is on her calendar. She just needs to officially inform Freddie she would not be able to continue house sitting for him effective immediately.

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