5. Who is it?

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She had just been sleeping a few hours when she heard a knock on the main door. Ughhh... Please go away. She groans to herself while checking for time on the wall. Great, it's 2am and the drunkards must be out and about. She kept still, hoping that whoever it was would go away. But it was a futile act as now the knocks went far louder.

Feeling forced to get up, she looked through the small peep hole adjusting her eyeglass to see better and almost pass out with shock to see who it was.

Her house-sitting employer, Mr. Mercury himself!

What to do now?! She was beginning to panic. Stepping back from the door with her hands flailing to her side, she heard him call from the other side of the door:

"Belle, dear please open the door it's me Freddie. Have a heart, it's raining outside."

For the life of her, she ran to the bathroom and gargled while putting on her bra and some loose pants that obviously doesn't match with her button down silk top.

She then bolted to the door and opened it so suddenly Freddie almost fell inside. "I'm so sorry for the wait Mr.Mercury, I mean come inside please! Do sit down sir." She closed the door behind him with so many locks Freddie was amazed at the need for such.

"Hi! Uhmm, why are you here sir? I'm-I mean you're welcome to come visit but I was just uhm, well this time.." she stutters trying her best to be calm. If it's at his home, she's able to contain her fangirling tendencies as it's part of the job to see him at his house. But at her tiny flat HE is overly bigger than life!

"Hi Belle, I'm so sorry for just coming here so suddenly and uhmm at this hour.. and also please call me Freddie as I have requested of you so many times dear (a little flick of the wrist he did) but you know I happen to have a bit of trouble at my flat and yours is.. well it's, the nearest place I can go without passing by the same street as my place." All the while his eyes darting from her and down at his lap, puckering his lips ever so often.

She just looked at him more confused than before because as he was trying to answer her she now has more questions to ask. Her, still not being out of her reverie, was not helping at all.

"I know it's too much of me but if you'll let me stay until the morning I promise I will be out of your hair first before you could say chop chop!" He motioned with his hands in an attempt to humour the situation.

And she kept staring, partly due to still not understanding and also because he was so adorable with his hooded lids deprived of sleep and his shinny soft hair in a bit of disarray. How can one collect ones thoughts, right?

Freddie sighs as he hunches over in defeat. "Hayyy, well I suppose you deserve some sort of better explanation.. There's this... This ex-boyfriend I had who still has a key to my flat, decided he wanted to talk but we already talked about it months ago." His eyes widening in exasperation. "I told him as gently as I could it's over between us and I won't be back for awhile as I am to attend to some matter but he won't believe me. Can you just imagine, ugh! He knows my other friends' places and my bandmates' too and even my go to hotels. So here I am, seeking shelter from you in this rainy night hoping you won't judge me and take me in."

Now, warm puppy brown eyes looking at her pleading. How do one say no to that again? she couldn't imagine.

At that she slowly sat on the chair across from Freddie. Blinking  a few times while processing all the intimate information he just shared. He has, no had a boyfriend. But from what she recalls he'd just broken up with Mary a few months ago too. Somehow she was sad to know this. It's not because she judges him over his sexuality but in the back of her head she hoped he was just being too friendly with those guys and not cheating on Mary.

She's met Mary a few times, she was nice towards her and mostly quiet. She had shared the flat with Freddie but well before her official breakup with him, Mary had been spending less and less time in their shared place. And those times, Isabella noticed how some fellow would be casually sleeping over. Mary never ask her about Freddie or the ongoings in the flat, not like some who tried. Isabella finds it odd how Freddie even keeps company with those gossiping lot.

Looking at Isabella intently, Freddie thought perhaps he shared too much and wasn't welcome. Maybe she was just far too polite to let him know. Not wanting to further embarrass himself, he stood up and walk to the door muttering he must have forgotten something at the studio and would be heading out now when Isabella stopped him.

"Sir... I mean, Freddie, this place is not much and I for one knows how needing help and being extended it feels like. So of course you are most welcome to stay as much as you need to si-Freddie."

The relief he felt was too unnerving! He let out a relieved sigh as he walked to her and hugged her instantly telling her how very grateful he was. He didn't realize how petite she is and that she definitely lost some weight. He wanted to comment on it but decided not to as he saw how flushed her cheeks were from his quick hug.

He must be shocking the poor dear to no end having barraged to her door out of nowhere at an ungodly hour discussing his private life and now wanting to comment on her figure!

That would have to wait for later, now he is just glad he won't be in a bar drinking the night away or in a hotel room alone with his intrusive thoughts causing him nightmares.

All this pressure for the band and on his personal life with one relationship crashing one after the other is causing him far too much anxiety. What a relief he can ran away for at least one night.

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