37. Bathroom Scene

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"I could do with that blonde." Roger motions to the girl from the bar with a slight nod of his head as he drinks his beer.

"That one? Don't she look like you? How odd that must be." Freddie said while drinking his vodka.

"It's like saying, I could do me." Brian said smiling with the other three joining him. Roger making funny kissy-kissy faces at his bandmates in the process.

They just finished discussing the concert their manager told them earlier and have gotten a unanimous decision between each other to do it.

"So you better get your girlfriends sorted before the tour Rog, or they might all end up backstage at the same time." Freddie told him.

"Hey not just me, so should you Freddie. How about your new addition?"

"What new addition?" Freddie pretending innocence.

"Oh come on! We know you!"

"Imagine all you want, I'm a free agent at the moment. So if you'll excuse me, I'll go to the washroom." He then stood while exaggeratedly fluffing his hair for show.

His band mates just smiled at him, they get how silly he is. While for his part, Freddie knows how annoying they are ganging up on him but letting him get away in his theatrics, even joining him most days.

At the mens washroom, someone spoke from behind him while he washes his hands. "You're that fairy in a rock band. Freddie, right?"

Freddie looked around caught off guard with the comment and stared at the man. He's just about his height with a bulkier built. His face looks soft and friendly with a bit of mustache, very much his type. He didn't speak, just looked at the man. The other guy stared back at Freddie and without breaking eye contact walked backwards to the door and locked it. There's no one in the restroom but them.

"Fred's taking awhile don't you think? We should get the bill and get ready." Brian spoke as he looks to the bathroom's direction.

"Hold on, let me check in on him." John inhaling one last puff before putting out his cigarette on the center ashtray.

He stood up and went for the rest room. As he was about three steps away, the door opened. Out came Freddie a bit taken aback at seeing him.

"Freddie, was just about to get you. We're getting worried someone accosted you in there." John smiled jokingly but Freddie just looked at him before answering back. "I ah, bumped to a fan, you know, ah, they could be too eager. Talk to you about lots and lots of things. That sort."

"Oh? I see. Very well come on, the boys are waiting outside." Freddie walked past him silently with long strides towards the exit.

John did not ask further but it didn't escape him that Freddie's hair is in disarray and he didn't hear anyone as would be if they were that 'eager'.


"That was fun!" Alice said as she slumped to the couch while Isabella locked the door behind them.

"I thought you'll not do your end of the bargain to be honest, I was getting worried for you Ali."

"Oh, you're such a mom! I told you, no alcohol and home by 10:30pm. I'm a good egg." Alice smiles to Isabella while she removes her shoes.

"Well, I have to give it to you Ali, you fit better here than I do even with all the years I've been here."

"Ohh you, it's because you were too young then. Come here." Alice taps to her side for Isabella to sit to and puts her arms on Isabella's shoulders as she speaks. "Don't be too hard on yourself, Belle. You are young but once, better do all the silly things now than when we're old and smelly don't you think?"

Isabella can't help but giggle at the thought, "I suppose you're right, I just don't know how to have fun sometimes." She looks at her friend before continuing. "I get scared Ali, what if I make a mistake and I'm all alone now you know?"

"Hey, love... Don't say that, I'm here. Everybody home are too. Don't we count as family?"

"I mean, I'm just scared what's out there for me. Elizabeth use to deal with everything for us and now, well, I have to look after myself."

"Don't be so glum, dearie. Tell you what, if you feel ever the need to go and are too afraid to go back to the convent, you run to me ok? Don't think twice, I'm here for you."

Isabella smiled weakly at Alice. "Thanks Ali, I'm glad you came here. I guess I needed a friend now more than you do."

"Oh I know you have a friend." With a wink, Alice smiled mischievously at Isabella.

"Stop you! Let's get ready to sleep before you get any more annoying."

Alice laughed heartily while she stood up and get herself ready for bed.


Back at his flat, Freddie lie on his bed as he stare at the ceiling with sleep far from happening. His left hand caressing the little feline sleeping soundly beside him.

The encounter at the restroom was not the first time. There were other times before where some 'friend' or total stranger would approach him and they'd hit it off. He has no problem dealing with them, to him it's part of the allure. Doing someone who's a total mystery. He likes living his life on the edge, he can't stand boring.

But tonight, he can't get himself to do it. He had been without sex for at least three fucking weeks. So what the hell is wrong? The last one being the bloke who hostaged his flat. And even with that one he hadn't had sex for a goddamn week before the split.

He tossed to his side, feeling uncomfortable in his bed. Jerry his cat awoken by the sudden jerk, stretched and jumped to floor, settling there instead to sleep. He had the perfect chance for a quick shag at that restroom and no one will know. The man was practically a made to order version of his type. The kiss was passionate and the boy clearly knows what he's doing. BUT why the hell won't this cock' stand!? Urgh!!

Freddie bolted up and tossed the covers aside. He swung his feet to the floor and put on his sleepers, grabbing his night robe by the armchair. He walked downstairs to pour himself a drink. He paced his flat slowly, one hand on his waist while the other whisked his drink around in the glass.

Deep inside, there's one puzzle piece he can't seem to put in the picture but would fit perfectly. There's this thing where you want to play and then when you know it's not just games anymore. Freddie sat on the couch with a thud, Tom his other cat jumped to his lap snuggling to him before curling to sleep. He began stroking the felines fur while he stare blankly at the wall.

The thing about feelings is it creeps to you slowly. If you're not careful, you'll be in love before you know it. Isabella had always been kind towards him and he's somehow always been drawn to her. Even prior to their recent closeness "in the physical sense more so" Freddie joked to himself, she's never passed him judgement and unknowingly touched his feelings in many occasions.

She didn't need to cook him anything yet when she knows he might have a hang over there will always be soup ready to heat. Sometimes he would see small notes from when someone made a phone call with a smiley at the end, brightens his day everytime. When she knows he will go on tour, she puts a little checklist on his night stand of some essentials he might forget (which he usually does prior to that). So when Mary left, it didn't feel as lonely knowing she was there. Silently holding everything steady in his scintillating lifestyle.

Shit! She's a witch, for sure. I'm not falling for any spell! "You hear that, I am not falling, huh!" Freddie shouted to an empty hall. To himself, he imagined how nice he sleeps beside Isabella than he would on that empty bed upstairs.

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