31. Back to London

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The ride back to London was silent, she noticed Freddie was indeed really tired and was dozing on and off to sleep as they spoke.

Isabella studies his profile, making sure to turn her eyes away if he so much as move a muscle. She loves his side profile very much. His aristocratic nose, long lashes, those Greek God cheeks and jawline and of course his soft baby lips.

He could be sitting across the room and she could easily pick his face from the crowd. He stands out beautifully in so much contrast to the boring profile of anyone next to him. He's is an unconventional looks but beats all the rest for sure.

How lucky of those he chose to love, the nearness of him is enough to make one aware he's special. No wonder no one of those lovers ever willingly let's him go.

But he tires of them, one after the other. And then they must coup back to living among the common, polite society. She doesn't want to be part of that casualty.

Obviously she will deal with the after blow when he starts to date someone or has taken a new lover while she endure from the outside as a silent admirer.

That is better though than taking a direct blow. No recovering from that for sure.

A little time further, Isabella too fell asleep. She was facing towards the window side with her hands to her lap.

Freddie stirs and saw her uncomfortable position. What a proper little miss. Hmm, those lips looks really inviting. He had to roll his eyes to himself. Stop it right there! Ugh, I've no cure!

He's so damned tired of not getting enough sleep from all the patrolling he's done with Mike back and forth her place. While back at his flat he'd dive into his music channelling his frustrations to some sort of artistic output.

And just last night he's almost splitting hair wanting to leave the studio as soon as possible but his bandmates were too much in the creative zone to distract. Good thing all worked out fine.

He moved near Isabella and turned her head gently to his shoulder. This babe is back and that's the only thing that mattered now.

It's past 7pm and they were slowly maneuvering through London traffic when Isabella stirs. "Hi there, doll. You slept well, I envy you. It's past 7 now, would you like to get something to eat?"

"Oh, sorry! Looks like I've slept on you? Is your shoulder sore?"

"Don't mind it dear." I really preferred it better if you were on my lap he thought. "You must be hungry? I sure am. What would you like to have?"

"I'm sure I could prepare something at home, I'll be ok Mr.Mer- Freddie."

"Really? I think eating out is easier but if you insist, we could just eat at your place then." Freddie is just not ready to end their reunion just yet.

"But I mean.. I could just eat at.. I didn't.."

"Oh don't worry, I could wait while you ready something dear."

Isabella sigh in defeat. Looks like there's no way out of this one for sure.


With limited stock in the kitchen having been gone 5 days, she had to make do with the basic mushroom soup and beef with mashed potatoes.

Freddie surprisingly finished his portion rather fast. She cleared the table and was now wondering what happens next when Freddie answered it for her. "Would you mind if I take a nap before heading out? I'm extremely tired I don't know what got me."

"Hmm? What about Mike, he must be waiting for you?"

"I mean if you don't want me here you could just say so and..."

"No, no, of course you are welcome. I was just.."

"Oh thank you doll, I won't be for long I just need a quick nap."

I guess I don't have much say on this either.. better start washing up while he rests.

While she was in the bathroom, Freddie already waved Mike to go with the  instruction to pick him up by 8:30am before he went back to the couch and pretend to sleep.

Now in cotton button down pajamas, Isabella was ready to sleep. She sat on the dinning chair and rested her head on the table just waiting for Freddie to wake up so she could lock up after him. All those restless nights took a toll on her too putting her to deep slumber in no time.

Freddie peaks from his one eye raising his head slightly as he heard Isabella's steady breathing. He sits up and tip toes to her forming a smile on his face. "Let me just wash up and we'll go to bed darling."

He quickly changed his clothes from the small bag Mike handed him earlier that he conveniently kept under the table.

All fresh and ready to sleep, he picks up Isabella and brings her to the main room where they could share a bed. He told himself he just doesn't want to be alone in his house and besides he won't do anything to her without her permission.

He hugged her gently from behind and he instantly felt comfortable. She smells so good and feels so warm. He wanted to fit his front with her soft bottom but his growing bulge would surely cause her to run. Nope, not another trek to the mountains.

He fell asleep soon enough only to awake with Isabella's soft moans. Freddie looks at her with confusion then simultaneously registering she's having hot dreams. What is she dreaming? Oh baby take me with you..

"Isabella..." In trying to wake her, he was met with an even more passionate moan this time with her bitting her lip in obvious ecstasy. Freddie couldn't resist that, he wanted to dive into her mouth like a hungry dog to an open meat. But he reign himself, lowering himself to her mouth with soft kisses instead, careful not to wake her.

With gentle butterfly kisses Freddie showered Isabella's lips. Top and bottom and each corner and again, and again. Isabella's response is making him hard, really hard. He allowed himself a little more flesh as he suck her lower lip gently. Remembering how he had cut it with too much passion days before, he continues to caress it with his own as a form of apology. He let her soft delicate lower lip stay between his sucking it and lubricating it at the same time. Tasting her like a forbidden fruit, he went hungrier and hungrier.

Before he lost control, he move his lips away. Now looking at her, writhing in her wet dreams. I want to join you, I want to go there with you, my darling.. He closed his eyes summoning all his strength to resist her and his urges. Another second and he might change his mind so he shake her gently. "Isabella, dear? Please wake up.. you're having a dream."

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