67. Come Tour with Me

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"I'm not sure it's a good idea to go on the next big tour without you, sweetheart. The concert dates are starting to line up and it's going to be a looong and gruesome one, I can tell."

Just thinking about the whole thing already tires him out. But undeniably excites him too. Now that their career stands on a more solid ground, it's easier to enjoy the shows.

"Please_ please do join me, darling. You can just tag along and be my assistant you know? And then I could sneak in your hotel room when _ what? I don't care what they all think. I just don't want you here alone when I'm miles away is all."

He's starting to get anxious knowing after their Hyde Park thing which will start in a few days, the one their manager had them commit as sort of an in-between gig, the band will be off again for months on end.

They will roughly only have three months in the UK to finish all their recordings and interviews before they go on their US-Leg to promote the new Album 'Day at the Races'.

Isabella stopped massaging Freddie's temples to look him in the eyes. "Baby, we've talked about this, didn't you agree with me the last time? Remember, love? I mean I will never miss your shows here if I can help it of course but you can't have me tagging along everytime you're on tour. Your band mates will hate me and I wouldn't blame them."

"You know that they love you as much as I do. Sometimes irritatingly so, I must say." His lips pouting. "I cannot with you always pushing me away. Shutting me down before you give my suggestion a thought. I mean, really."

Freddie knew when he pouts his lips and sulk Isabella, will not be able to resist comforting him and he almost always gets his way.

"Please don't give me that look, bubs.. I just really need to get my own life on track again. Of course I prefer to go with you when you'll be away but I also need to sort how my life will pan out."

He's older by human years but when people listen in anyone would swear dating Freddie is not so different from dating a teen aged boy. Except for some 'ahem' well developed and endowed part. Fully adult in that area, definitely.

"But you'll go and continue working in that cafe while your boss -- well I'm your boss and I'm your boyfriend don't forget that -- obviously has his eyes on you. I mean, can't he see you're almost half his age? And, umm, did you already tell him you are with me?"

Freddie with his soft hopeful puppy eyes looked up to Isabella, his head nestled on her lap while he lies down comfortably along her bed. He had gotten used to her cramped space that it feels like a safe cocoon to him now.



"Well, it's.. I've hinted on it but I don't know really how I could just casually mention in random, about a very personal thing such that of my love life without sounding ridiculous. Come on baby, you can't be seriously asking me to do that, are you? And you were my boss yes."

Freddie counters after an exasperated breath. "Well I was and am sweetheart. Am your boss, period. I just want him to know that's all.  I can't help think you just don't want to let him know you're in a relationship now, with me. You must be embarrassed of me, that must be it. You don't even want to walk beside me when you drop by the studio." His voice was soft and his eyes now refuse to look at her. His fingers busy fidgeting the hem of his shirt.

Isabella moved his head gently on a pillow before lying beside him to look him face to face. She wraps her arm on his middle before kissing his cheek.

"That is the farthest thing from the truth and you know it. Hunnie bunnie, I can't express how happy I am that sometimes I just had to jump up and down on bed to contain the feeling! That I get to call you my boyfriend. Mine! Geezz, I even scream sometimes! That's true! It's been awhile now but I still can't wrap my mind around it. You know like, when something is soo special you want to keep it to yourself, afraid letting others know will spoil it? That's how terrified I am I'll wake up in this dream. And I also worry your fans will get upset with me _ I know I will get upset with me too if I were them!"

"Well I want you to tell even to random people you are with me cause I do that. I don't give a fuck what they think. I just say to anyone 'oh my girlfriend made me this or her name's Claire and she's wonderful.' And why again don't you let me use Isabella when I say your name in public? I'm sometimes seriously doubting your motives in dating me. Maybe you just want my wonderful body or my money whichever is more useful for you at the moment."

"Hey, that's no' fair. I never ask for money and your body is.."

"And you never ask for my body too, I know, you don't have to make me feel so unwanted." Freddie turns to his side so his back is facing Isabella.

Sighh.. Why is he so sensitive today? It's not like his period is here..

She reached for his shoulder to gently let him lie flat on his back again. "Baby, what is all this sulking about?" She leans on her elbow to hover above Freddie's face. Touching his lips with the tip of her finger as he starts to speak.

"You weren't even listening.. I've been asking you to come with me but you always have an excuse. And although I'm exaggerating on just wanting me for my money or body, that's cause it means the opposite. You never ask me for anything, don't introduce me to anyone and most specially you never let me shag you."

Isabella laughed at the last bit. He is so irresistible when he sulks but lately has been expressing his frustration more and more on their set up.

"You're such a tease I feel like I'm going to go mad with frustration sometimes. And you're doing it again. Don't touch me as if you want more only to walk away when I'm all worked up. You could be really mean sometimes, you know?"

"But I'm not doing anything. I was just touching your lips! Ok I won't do it again if it upsets you."

"See? It's so easy for you to just drop me like I'm of no interest to you - at - all."

Just the same, he grabbed Isabella's hand and put it back next to his face. "No, you can do as you please with me. I will just miss you terribly when I'm not here. And you don't feel the same. And I worry about you."

"That is not true. How can I not miss you. Not miss that dimple when you smile. Or your soft hands. And this chest I love so much. Ridiculous!" She moved to kiss him softly on the tip of his nose.

"But I'm committed to making something of myself too so you'll be proud of me. Don't you want that for me, bunnie bear?"

She folds her arm and puts it on Freddie's chest  before resting her chin on top of it, staring at him adoringly.

He must be kidding when he said he's of no interest to her because HE is all she ever thinks about! If the Freddie living in her head could talk, he'll for sure ask that she give him a break! She needs to mentally prepare her subconscious when going to work or school to make sure it doesn't stray back to him. And his eyes, and face, or his voice and.."

"I said don't look at me like that if you're not going to do something about it. It's so unfair how you could naturally just switch it off and let me suffer with want." Freddie rolled his eyes but couldn't resist giving her a peck on the lips. He got up and went to the toilet to get a shower. Cold and colder. That kind.

Isabella found herself smiling as Freddie shouts from under the running water. "You're a wretched woman! That or you're just plainly horrible, witch! The unfashionable witch!"

"What a horrible thing to say! Okey, but I'll still go get some food ready for you, Mr.Grumpy cat. See you when you're done. And, I love you, bubs."

"And I love you too even when you are heartless! Utterly heartless!"

Isabella chuckled to herself with a light shake of the head.

Must be the stress that's causing him to fuss over like this.

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