52. I Have to Know

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"Darling, look at me.." Freddie whispered gently, lifting her chin to meet his gaze. He was searching her big eyes, now looking so panicked and embarrassed.

"Why did you give me that.. letter?" He asked softly. "Did you really want to end everything between us so badly? That, that you couldn't wait to at least meet me and say it personally?" She could hear pain in his voice. She lowered her face again, she cannot look him in the eye and lie.

"Please darling, tell me. Tell me if I did something wrong?" His voice was pleading.

She shook her head. She couldn't speak, her voice will give her away.

He gently held her face from both sides and lifted it so he could stare at her conflicted eyes. "Then what is it? Please tell me, I'm going mad with worry wondering if I did something.."

A tear fell from her eye and she's too afraid to blink as it will surely spill the dam open!

Freddie wiped the tear with his thumb, his heart starting to beat erratically. "Have you missed me, baby?..." He searched her eyes, caressing her cheeks with his thumb.

"Tell me you have, sweetheart.." His forehead creased with worry.

"Have you gone lonely without me like I was without you?" He touched his forehead to hers, closing his eyes in deep torment.

"Did you wish for me to lie beside you like I imagine you next to me?"

As soon as their foreheads touched, her tears fell in a tide. She brought her hands to his wrists, he's killing her now with his words.

He moved his face away to stare at her drowning eyes. "My sweet darling.. I want you.. tell me you want me too?"

She was looking at his baby brown eyes, soft and tormented. She moved her hand to touch his face. He leans to it to press his cheek. She went to move her hands on top of his, still resting on her face. He longed for her lips. He stares at it before slowly lowering his face to kiss her. He moved on her lips with slow burning passion; seeking, asking her to reciprocate.

He was desperate to have her feel him, to make her understand his body aches for her. His heart felt like a hand was squeezing it inside his chest.

He moved his right hand to the back of her neck while his left pressed her to him in a half embrace, fingers sprawled to one of her ass cheeks. His lips moved over hers in slow motion before he couldn't hold his longing anymore and moved to hungryly lap on her lips. His tongue whirling in her mouth, sucking and nibbling on her delicate-delicate lips. He wants her to take him in her embrace, to make him hers. He moans in passion to her mouth, his crotch desperately pressed to her.

She was drowning in his passion. Her lower region felt so warm and wet. Her mind is turned to mush unable to think, just feel. Feel this boy all over her and the pleasure is too much. The longing she had for this man had been too much.

He dragged her through his embrace and brought her to bed, leaning on top of her. He feels like he will explode with desire. With wildly trembling hands Freddie reached for her top most button, wanting to rip the thing open in one yank!

But Isabella grabbed his hand with both of hers in panic.

He moved his face away from hers to look with pleading, questioning eyes.

"Freddie.. please, please.. if you do this.. I will.."

He saw fear in her eyes.

"Don't you want me, darling?.. don't you crave me as much as I crave you?" He grabbed her hand to put on top of his crotch. "Don't you feel how much I want you? Look what you do to me.." He starts rubbing her hand on top of his rock hard cock and she could feel it throbbing underneath his trousers.

Her lips went dry from nervousness. She gulped in response. She reached her other hand to his face. "Freddie... Please, I.."

He dropped his head to her chest with his eyes shut tight. "Is there.. someone else?" At that moment it felt like a thousand needles were piercing through his heart. Her hands dropped to her side as he lie on top of her, his arms moving to embrace her tight under him, possessive and insecure.

"Wha..? No.. there's.. no one.."

He couldn't respond right away. Her words brought him relief allowing him to release his breath. He slowly moved his face to look up towards hers. "My baby wants me to wait..?" He was suddenly this boyish man, asking for comfort.

"Freddie, I.." She wanted to explain her fears and her uncertainty. Not of her own emotions because she knows the truth in her feelings for him. He is the only one love she has. He alone has held her. But of what he really wants from her, she had to be certain.

"I will wait... But Please, let me hold you, sweetheart.. Don't make me go away?" He lowered his head to hear chest once again, closing his eyes at the comfort of hearing her heartbeat against the softness of her breasts. For the first time, someone had asked him to wait. He's willing to grab at whatever little hope she's willing to throw at him. He can wait so long as she's nobody else's but his.

Isabella is still in shock. She lies flat on her back, his arms possessive in his embrace restricting her arms from moving. His head heavy on her breasts. She was staring at the ceiling with her mind reeling with questions and worry.

He had called her 'his baby'.. her heart almost flipped out of her chest when she heard him say that. Oh how he intoxicates her with everything that he does and says. She was so absorbed at her thoughts that she was a bit disoriented at hearing soft snores. Freddie had fallen asleep on her chest.

Sighh... if only he does love me like I do love him... I wish you didn't have to steal my heart


He moved to his side feeling a little sore, perhaps he slept with a bad posture for a long time. He stiffened a little when he noticed he was asleep beside somebody.

No! Who the fuck did I do this time?

But a second later the familiar scent of her soap caught his nose. He opens his eyes and saw Isabella's face, asleep on his side. His arm over her middle, half his body still on top of hers.

He smiled sleepily to himself. What a cute little miss she is. Very lovely even at dawn after a man had used her as a mattress basically. The poor dear, must be stiff all over when she wakes up having had to carry his weight through her sleep..But she didn't push him in the night. And she let him sleep on her.

He moved to kiss her cheeks and lay his head on her shoulder. How nice it was to see her beside him. His worries falling away, knowing she's here. And she had said there is no one else. He closed his eyes with her face the last image on his mind.

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