57. Car Trouble

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At almost an hour into the ride, Freddie opened one eye to take a peak at Isabella. She had managed to stay still and determinedly kept her hands to herself, one on the car door handle while the other rests on top of the seat's backrest.

Stubborn little creature. Let's see how far you can take this, my kitty.

"Are you okey there, doll?"

"Hmm? Y-yeah. Yes I am."

"Do you want to switch places? You can lie on my lap if you want. You most definitely can sit on it too if you prefer that." He mentioned this like it was just a casual thing to get an offer to sit on Mr.Mercury's lap!

"Oh! I'm, I'm ok. That's very kind of you to offer."

What the hell is it with her and all this formality?! I want her to sit on me for fucks sake!

But before he could shock her with his thoughts she spoke in a melancholy tone.

"Elizabeth was such a beautiful bride on her wedding day. They were so in love, she and her husband. Their vows were so sincere, so heartfelt even when it was just by civil ceremony." She sighed in remembrance while leaning her head on the window, eyes fixed on the outside scenery.

He was caught off guard with her sharing something personal. She very rarely talk about herself or her family and it's nice to know what she thinks.

"I'm sure Alice will be the most glowing and beautiful bride today too. She's like a sister to me, another sister to wed happily. They're lucky to have found love so early."

She continued to stare at the distance, absorbed in her own thoughts. To him it felt as if she was talking to herself, unaware her words were spoken out loud in the open. Suddenly unmindful, she start stroking his hair lovingly while the other hand landed softly to rest on his chest. 

"Isn't that the most wonderful feeling? To love and be loved? To belong to someone completely and fully? To know someone cares constantly?" Her eyes turned dreamy, her emotions swimming in them.

"How are others so lucky?" She continued in an almost whisper."If there was one prayer I had uttered from when I was young, it is to find and keep that once in a lifetime kind of love. Just that one wish is all I ask."

From looking far away, she closed her eyes shutting all from the outside. A soft tune sweetly escaped her lips as she hums La Vie En Rose, slowly to herself.

He stared at her as if endlessly, consumed by her aloofness towards him. Freddie was spell bound by her thoughts in words.

Her unconscious confession hold so much meaning specially now that she spoke with so much candidness at her innermost feelings. Oh dear, she is as lonely as he is.

He himself had longed to find the most real love. To connect beyond the physical. To attach the soul to another, free from sexual norms. And in all his dalliance he had not once felt completely connected. There is always something lacking and unsettled.

But with Isabella, he felt an innermost pull. Something he'd denied and fought until it can't be done anymore. And now as she had spoken, it's an echo of his soul. He remembers a literary quote he read somewhere that struck him:

"Love is the longing for the half of ourselves we have lost."

That line can't be anymore true as they both obviously feel. These quiet moments never exist in his relations and yet at this instant he is content to just be near her.

That won't be for long though. Because as soon as he settle his heart his body takes over at reminding him how he wants her, in all the carnal ways he could have her.  Bloody hell!

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