48. Photoshoot News

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Eyes red rimmed and blotched, Freddie went in the studio.

"Hey there, Fred! Let me see, do I hear 'traffic' as today's excuse for tardiness?" Brian spoke from behind the piano in good humour albeit a little sarcastic.

"Get off my stool." Freddie snapped while he approached the piano without taking off his sunglasses.

His bandmates looked at each other, taking the hint that today is no day to mess with their font man. Brian stood up and went to get his notes, the same ones he'd shown to Isabella the night before.

"Anyone wants to record anything?" Freddie asked irritation heavy in his voice. In truth he doesn't want to be here, he wants to lie in bed and sleep through this hangover. Last night was trash, he shouldn't have spent it with that over eager boy at the bar.

"Well if you're up for it, I have this song.. it's pretty different in a way that, well, some parts are in Japanese.." Brian walked up to the side of the piano, hesitant to hand his lyric sheet to Freddie.

"I love Japanese! Let me take a look dear." Scanning over it, Freddie starts to hum the chords. Although he's very much not in the mood, music is the only thing he wants to occupy his mind right now.

Their manager, John Reid arrived while the four were in the thick of discussing Brian's song.

"Hey boys, stop it with the mock Battle of Waterloo for a moment will you, I have urgent news."

The boys continued with their arguments which prompted Mr.Reid to use the microphone in full volume. "You have to pack your bags for a quick photoshoot in Japan. We're leaving tomorrow night."

Suddenly the room was quite, all four stare at the manager who was now feeling very uncomfortable. Like a tourist left inside a den of wild animals.

"What the fuck do you mean flying out tomorrow night?!"

"Roger listen, it's a scheduled shoot long before that slipped my mind due.."

"Then it's your problem, you do the reschedule. You don't expect us to just keep bending over backwards with all your last minute bullshit!"

"Freddie you have to understand, this is part of the contract we've signed with your promoting agents in Japan."

"But we're still struggling with all the schedule changes you've thrown at us and now this?! Come on!"

"Brian you'll all get a good return from this. Your fans in Japan can't wait for new photos of the band to come out whi.."

"This is fairly unacceptable, Mr.Reid. So far we've done our end of the contract, adjusting at every turn to accommodate other off the record requests but it's highly recommended you do us the same courtesy."

Everyone was silent, with his band mates nodding in agreement. Deaky doesn't talk much but when he does, it's with no fuss. His opinion very relevant.

"John, I hope to be a better manager soon. I know I've been springing things on you here and there but you've got to understand boys, I do my best to help your career. And now everyone just demands a piece of you. It's not easy to keep track of everything, I hope you understand.."

With the static friction going down slowly, the boys settled on the table with Mr.Reid. They will have a series of photoshoot in Japan for Music Life magazine and promotional posters which is part of their contract. They will go do the sessions very discreetly so nobody would know they are there, else the start of pandemonium. 4 days is all he asks Mr.Reid said.

Left with not much choice, they all settled to agree with the strict understanding this is the last time any last minute schedule change will be thrown at them. They still have 2 years more in the contract with Reid as their manager so it's best their sentiment as a band is heard.

With still a lot to do, the boys are tied to the neck. They pour out on the song Brian wrote with everyone having an input at what goes well with which section. They will use their time in Japan to ensure the lines in Japanese were interpreted correctly. It's just how they work, perfectionists to the last note. With Brian specially getting neurotic on this song (more than he is normally), they could really get on each others nerves.

At close to 2am, they all decided to go home and sleep. They still need to do whatever last minute personal errands they have before meeting again tomorrow. They're expected at the airport by 5pm for their 7pm departure flight.

"Hey Freddie, come I'll drop you off don't call for Mike to pick you."

"Are you sure Deaky? He could get here pretty fast if I call now."

"Don't bother the guy, must be sleeping soundly at this time."

"All right, let me just use the toilet really quick."

"Ok, but hurry up I'll be waiting in front."

As he was washing his hands, he remembers to take his passport from his locker. He will not have time to drop by the studio before the flight.

When he opened the locker, he grabbed a small envelope labeled with 'Flight Docs' and another unmarked envelope. Whatever it is, he'll just check it later. Right now, Deaky is honking rather annoyingly out front.

He rolled his eyes before closing the locker and dashing out.

"Yes yes, I'm coming!"


He was lying in bed at 3 in the morning and he can't get a wink. His mind was going back to the night before. This young lad wanted so much to do him, pleasing him eagerly but he just can't get in the mood.

He's been without sex for 4 fucking weeks it's ridiculous and yet he can't make himself do it with this fellah. He ended up letting the guy blow him before sending him on his way with a bit of cash 'as a friendly gesture. A token of appreciation'.

He wants to be touched by one in particular. Who is out somewhere busy with something.

Are you seeing somebody now, darling?

Freddie rolled to his side, pulling the blanket for some warmth. He can't keep denying this. He needs to talk to Isabella, he must settle this feeling or he will go nuts trying to bury it.

If she let's these boys hang around her one of them will surely try something and he can't let that.

She is my darling, nobody else's!

He's suddenly worried he's late. That she might actually have found a nice boy to like.

I'm the one she likes! She only has eyes for me!

He tossed back to lie flat on his back, the bed springing up and town with the force.

But a tiny insecure voice retorted to him.

Well, you haven't really told her and she hasn't told you anything either.

What do you mean I haven't told her? I've been seeing her as often as I could and pawing at her almost every chance I get!

That's not the same as saying the words.. besides, she might just be too naive for her own good.

Dammit!! How could I say what I feel if she's always missing? Or trying to run away?!

That's your problem, not hers apparently.

Shit! Why does she make me go nuts?! I don't want to mess this up, Fuck!

He was tossing back and forth, tortured with his self dialogue. He leaned over to the side cabinet to drink 2 sleeping pills. He needs to shut this voice that's making him mad with worry. That'll shut you up, bitch!

It's past 4 am when he dozes off to sleep. In his mind, he has Isabella wrapped securely in his arms with no one else to bother them.

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