75. She's Here

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From the time they left the flower shop until they arrived at Stafford Place, Freddie had not stop dropping hints how excited he was to see what she's going to get him for his 30th. The man can be very adorable and persistent when he's into something.

To be fair he did take it back a few times before yet again circling to the same 'unintentional' afterthought. Well, he gets away with it only because he's adorable. Mostly hot but also adorable.

But Freddie can be very confusing too. The hot and cold temper he has can easily be the cause of anyone's fear or delight depending on his choice. This being the case for the poor girl. Making do with reassuring Freddie of her love and loyalty at anytime he needs it. 

Since he told her all plans had been cancelled for the big 3-0 just to show that's how sorry he was for being such a 'meanie' at the flower shop, he has somehow been acting all loved up. Saying for this birthday he really just want to spend the day with her.


Three decades of this man, an all around amazing person gracing the earth with just being here. His presence so felt and sought for by everyone who ever knew him and he wanted to spend this day with her.

Her? The least exciting person ever to get associated with him. It's a wonder she hasn't bore him yet with all her talk of art and antiques.

But if there's one thing Freddie made clear, it's that he's really in her world. Reassuring her at every turn of her place in his life. How can Freddie be like that?   Love a person for just as they are. No pedigree needed or even considered when he chose. And she qualified?


"I know, I know, geezz.." that was the oven giving her the signal to stop mushing over and start frosting instead. The food will not be ready on its own for later, that's true.

"I think maybe someone is playing tricks on me. That's got to be it and I'll wake up and it's all a dream. A fantasy I have in my head. Then poof! He will vanish! Just like all who I've loved - dad, mom, Elizabeth..."


Unfortunately when they arrived at Stafford last night Mr.Reid called for an emergency meeting. Yes, for today of all days. Something to do with the band still bleeding money caused by their previous handler.

"Oh God, I really don't want to go work today sweetheart. Please stop me and don't make me go, let's just cuddle and enjoy my birthday."

She pouted to echo Freddie's sentiments, kissing his cheeks and forehead while he's still in bed.

"Bubs, I really don't want you to go too. Maybe.. we can just sneak out! Or not answer the calls and then eat cake all day!?" Her smiles make his mornings better, even when today it's getting pestered by Sheffield & Company. 

"Oh please please let's just do that! And then let's wait till the boys come over with the problem already dealt with!" He seconds her, giddily going for a big smooch on her lips.

*Ring! *Ring!

"Fuck! Can't I catch a break? It's my bloody birthday! Baby, don't make me go please."

*Ring! *Ring!

"I won't! Not if they tell me to bunnie bear, promise. Let me get that silly thing off the hook."

She kissed his lips one more time and ran downstairs to get the phone.

A few minutes later, she's back in the room and all smiles for her Freddie. "I told them you're not here. I think Mr.Reid might not believe me but we hanged up. Wait! Oh my gosh, I lied didn't I?"

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