2. On We Go

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Finally on their own, Elizabeth and Isabella set forth on their journey to a 'real town' many hours away from the convent. Where else other than the cold and exciting city of London. Whatever awaits them, Elizabeth was determined this is where life finally starts.

The Sisters of the convent, with their connections, helped Elizabeth find a job where she could put to use her book keeping skills. What better place to get a job and ensure the girls are away from trouble than the city's public library. There, their life will be more quiet and in order. At least the best sort of job they can think for Elizabeth and a nice place to hang around for Isabella after school.

With only a few possessions, Elizabeth and Isabella settled in their small single room flat which was an accommodation extended to the employees of the public library. It was 15 minutes away from work for Elizabeth and 20 mins from the public school where Isabella was set to attend. Elizabeth was a ball of excitement while Isabella was all nerves and fears. While it might be fun and games in the beginning Isabella was worried how life will turn out for them. Unlike the life she had known in the convent, here she doesn't know everybody and not one knows her. From this day on, it will be a journey of the unknown and Isabella is not too keen on this.

For if her sister was extrovert and independent, Isabella was not the same. They were both smart and have a bit of talent to show when asked to. But unlike Elizabeth, Isabella enjoys the steady and quiet life they had in the convent. She doesn't have an over the top zeal on life such that of her sister who insists there is so much out there for them to seize. Nor does she aspire to be anything in particular other than make do of whatever task is at hand. At 13, she is her sisters shadow, only doing life as she was told. Not a bad plan of going about with life if you ask her.

The thing about these two sisters though is their beauty. They both have a face many took notice of and thus was the cause of worry for the nuns. To slow down the inevitable, the nuns would mostly keep their hair short. Much like a boy's hair cut. Pixie if you like to call it but done with no actual help to enhance once features. Elizabeth soon after abandons this sorry excuse for a hairstyle. She feels it too limiting in terms of expressing one's self. Having grown her hair out a good year before they left (only keeping it in a knot while at the convent to not alert the nuns) she was set to fit the hip London culture since day one!

No sooner have they started their life in London the suitors started to come for Elizabeth. She was soon in a dating frenzy! With a good head above her shoulders she was able to handle them well enough to know when they are too keen for safety. After all, she has a young sister to think of.

But you see, even at arm's length, when the heart starts to beat, it just won't stop until it's been attended to. Within 2 years of living life independently and meeting all sorts of suitors Elizabeth falls for a boy who was like her, so buzzing with life. When asked by the nuns how sure she was, her answer was final, she has found the one to spend all her life with.

While everyone might still be expressing doubts on the decision except Elizabeth and her husband to be, they proceeded to wed via civil ceremony with only her boss from the library as their witness and her sister Isabella the only family member present.



3 years into marriage, Elizabeth couldn't be happier. Could honeymoon stage really extend this long? As a couple they were as besotted to each other as the day they met. In spite how to others it might seem rushed, it was in Elizabeth's personality to just know what she feels right and seize it. Something she must have caught on from their mother who was once also a career woman and so sure of herself.

But like her parents, Elizabeth and her husband's love story are not to last long. On their way home after celebrating their 3rd wedding anniversary, a fatal car accident took both lives in an instant.

It must be a thing to their family, at the peak of love you are taken without warning or sign. Much too much heartache and no one to tell. At 18, Isabella is now without anyone.

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