66. Good and Bad News

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Hello, there will be some back and forth from hereon hoping to convey their relationship progress little by little. And thanks for reading :)

The dreaded notice has come. Eviction notice that is.

The lease on the flat Isabella's staying in has lapsed.

To be fair, the manager assigned to handle the lease of the properties being offered the library staff has allowed her 2 weeks extension on the account of 'her good record'.

Unfortunately, she still hasn't found a place suitable with her budget in that period. The construction of new establishments around the area has driven the price on lease to an absurd amount. Holding a part time job wouldn't afford a decent apartment for long. It will naturally eat on her savings and she couldn't afford to be pennyless simply because there is no one else to look after her welfare. She is determined that burden does not fall on her boyfriend's lap.

Speaking of savings, Isabella took out her passbook to make a tally. The amount she has will keep her comfortable for atleast 6 months before she goes bankrupt. 8 if she scrimps enough.

Oh dear, what should I do?

She started to gently knock her forehead on the wooden dinning table hoping she could come up with something to help her situation.

And fast.

"Isabellaaaa, sweetheart please open the door."

Hearing Freddie's voice, she hurriedly stood up and clear her stuff on the table. This will worry him and he already has enough to worry about.

She then went to get the door to let him in, quickly shutting it close just as Freddie removes his shoes.

"I really hope you stop putting curfew with my visiting hours, darling. It's outrageous to be out on the streets at 5am, only the crows are awake!"

Freddie went for a warm hug slightly lifting Isabella as he tighten his embrace. He gave her a kiss as he settles her down again not letting go of her waist.

"But that's the point we were going after, my hunnie bunny." She smiles as she pinch his cheek and went for another hug just cause she needed an extra one today.

I can really hug him all I want...

And he always smells good.. hmm..

It's been close to a month now and she's still on cloud 9 hoping never to return on earth again.

She felt Freddie lifting her, his arm folded under her legs and behind her back. He brought Isabella to the room and set her gently down on the bed. He knelt on top of her, his face hovering above hers, inspecting her eyes before slowly going down on her lips. He kissed her with a soft and steady pace. Unhurried, gentle kisses to soothe away what seems to be bothering her.

He finds it he loves tugging at her bottom lip, sucking it feels so satisfying for him. He found kissing her to be very sensuous, almost the same feeling of having your favorite dessert. The kind you only get on really really special occasions. Little by little and slowly to savor each taste.

He has had numerous partners in the past but he only realized how much he has not truly kissed. He'd go for the regular smooch often and that could be with anyone but when the doors are closed the kissing is either bruising or forgotten all together what with other more rigorous bedroom activities to indulge in.

But when Isabella kissed him, sparks flew. It soothes him and turns him on all the same. The magic is; no matter if it was soft or passionate, slow or with urgency - the kind caused by hunger and want, it was in how she kissed that contents him but also makes him want more.

He hasn't gone this long with anybody without so much as having at least reached 2nd base. And that was before he hit his 20's! But somehow he respects his girlfriend's wishes to take it slow even if it means he had to hold back everytime she's starting to get heated which might cause her to regret things after.

He doesn't want her to regret him. Or when they do it. He wants her to be fully onboard with it, aware and sober, that's how it should be when it finally happens for them.

But my God the wait is killing him! And sometimes it's too much trouble to cool down even just a little when things get hot between them. That sometimes when he sees just a bit of skin on her his hands start to twitch and his cock tingles.

He didn't know this type of relationships still exist or the kind of girl she is for that matter still walks amongst the people of London.

Well, she's the one I want and this is how she want things to fucking go so be it if it kills me. 

He wonders to himself more often now if she's put him in some kind of magic because he's seriously becoming the laughing stock of the band seeing how crossed and bottled up his been acting and they - the three bitches have assumed they know exactly why!

Well, assuming they're not exactly wrong but 'You don't know half of it!'

"How was your day at the studio? Were they mean to you again?" Isabella toys with his luscious hair while she smiles at him after that long and relaxing kiss.

He half smiles at her, dismissing the notion with a flick of his hand. "Don't think for one minute dear I will let any of those tarts get away with teasing me."

"I know bubs, they're just trying to lighten your mood. You're so crossed sometimes even I get scared."

"Was I really, doll? I didn't mean to be. Anyway, not on you atleast. I'm just, umm.. you know, stressed with a lot of stuff going on."

And my body's always torturing me with want and need.

"Aww, can I make you feel better somehow? I don't want you to get too stressed, not when we're together at least."

He stared at her, checking for signs if she was jesting with him.

"Well.. there's this something you could do to help... You know what? No, nevermind darling. I don't think now is the right time anyway." He smiles and gets up the bed to stretch. A good shower will be nice.

If there's a team that tallies the number of time one gets a cold shower, he could join that. At this rate he is up and running for a title position of the most cold showers taken. The most boring team he will ever belong to.

"Okey, freshen up while I get you something to munch. And before I forget. Bun-bun, I got the job at the flower shop and I start end of next month!"

"I'm so glad to hear that, doll. Well done! We should celebrate!" He happily went to her again to twirl her while locked in his arms.

"Thanks love, I was so happy when I got the letter today!" She hugged him tight before he puts her down. "Okey, just letting you in on the goods news, that's all. Go and enjoy your shower."

"Ok, but I hope you still have time for me with the baking classes and the cafe and the flower shop.."

"Aww, of course baby. I'll always have time for your pouty-pretty face."

He smiles contently. He likes it when his little nymph is happy. It makes sense to him why he puts up with her quirks.

Sweet and innocent.

Reserved just for him.

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