13. Midnight Tears

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He was awoken by strange noise from the living room. It took him a moment to absorb where he is. Freddie slowly went to the main living area to check on Belle. There she was sobbing in her sleep.

He worriedly knelt beside the sofa near her face to wake her gently. "Doll, please wake up.. Belle darling.." he whispered to her.

She awakens frightened and drew her face away from him as he peers on her, clearly still not recognizing. "It's me dearie.. awww, sweetheart it's okey" her tears broke in continuous ripple down her cheeks.  He moves to lift her up while he settles her on his lap, her sobs intensifying. He guides her hand to his neck while he gently rocks her. She clings to him like a child frightened.

"Shhhh, you're safe sweetheart.. don't worry, I'm here.." he cooes to her while he stroke her cheeks with the back of his hand. His temples touching her forehead doing his best to slouch and see her face all the while soothing her gently.

As her sobs weaken, Freddie tries to lift her chin slightly so he could look in her eyes. Those clear blues look like it can drown you in sadness. It's the first time he ever saw them without glasses and my what lovely set of eyes she has!

He almost forgot why he looked at them in the first place before shaking his head a little and ask softly "Darling, what's wrong? Have you been having nightmares?"

Belle nods slowly and pressed her face back on Freddie's chest. "Ohh darling, it's going to be ok.. please don't be afraid." He whispered to her while he held her head towards him securely.

He starts to hum 'Dear Friends' to her, rocking her back and forth. She must have been so lonely all these months. My poor baby..  He felt her breathing soundly again. Of course he should put her down he rolls his eyes to himself, he just needs to make certain she won't wake up scared.

A crazy idea went to his head and he almost dismissed it only he recalled she actually offered the other room for him to use.

Well of course she meant I use it alone , but really it's not practical to sleep separately if she's just had a nightmare and besides it's not like I will do something to violate her! Actually, I could if she asks like in a good foreplay BUT that's not the point.

Convinced what he's doing is for her good, Freddie stood up and carried Isabella to the main room. He might appear too slender at first look but his body is finely tuned from top to toe. All those prancing on stage belting night after night took more stamina than he lets on and carrying her around won't even make him break a sweat.

He lowers her down to one side and gently pull the covers on her. He sat beside her looking at her face. She's so young. And beautiful. She tries ever so hard to cover what's naturally given to her and yet it can't be helped but be drawn to her.

Oh sweetheart, I've met so many always trying to outdo each other for attention some literally throwing themselves at me. Yet there you were in my house ever distant, beauty hiding in plain sight.

Freddie couldn't believe he's known her while she's barely 17 and now she's an adult and can do what she wants in the legal sense of the word. She has always kept to herself, never attempted to get something out of him like his other friends. She's for sure seen a string of his lovers dropping by at the flat unannounced but she's never once made a comment on his personal life. Not outting him to Mary any random time she's probably asked her on these men and no hinting her too on his cheating. Oh Belle, you must hate me for being a slut.

He then lay down beside her putting his arm over her waist closing his eyes as he buries his face to her hair as if in supplication. He revered her nearness and wanting to shower in her warmth and innocence. He slowly trailed his nose on the side of her neck inhaling her deep, he kissed the small skin exposed on her shoulder wanting to turn her to him and explore further.

But he caught himself just as he was starting to loose control. She's not his to take. He reminds himself. She's given him all she could and those are the little stolen kisses. Opening her door to you at the dead of  night. All at a time when she too had just gone through a hard time. Don't take what's not yours from someone who's never shown you anything but kindness and acceptance, he hissed internally. But I want more. I need more.

With a will he most certainly never usually has in these situations, he stopped himself. First, he needs to find out if she'd like to get to know him in other ways too. Ohhh, that he'd like to know.

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