49. What do you mean?

183 10 0

He squinted at the light peering through the gap in the curtain. He had slept deeply with the help of his ever reliable pills. Jerry was purring soundly asleep on his side. Freddie tossed the duvet to use the toilet. The morning wood needs to be addressed.

He went to put his silk robe and went down to get some drink from the kitchen. He opened his fridge and as usual, nothing's there. He grabbed the orange juice carton instead to wake himself up. Cracking his neck from stiffness, he lets out a grunt when the clock on the wall caught his eye.

3:15 pm.

He blinked twice, put the carton down and slowly went upstairs to check the time on his bedside table.

3:15 pm.

Shit! His eyes almost bugged out as he dashed to take a shower! He hasn't even packed yet and it takes at least 1 hour to get to the airport sans traffic!

With a mad dash he put whatever he could inside his luggage, scanning at the trusty checklist Isabella did for him awhile back. Keys, Passport, ID, Boarding pass (Reid will have this!), Personal Effects, Lyric pad, Sunglasses....

He had no time to dwell on each item. On his carry on bag, he slid the 'Flight Docs' envelope along with the other one - whatever that was.

He almost tumbled on the stairs before remembering to call Mary to have the heart and look after the cats. She was so used to Freddie's last minute requests and wasn't at all shocked by it. Living with him for years trains you to handle those sort of erratic habits.

Mike drove like a mad man to get an anxious Freddie to the airport. He had the gal to ask a detour at the coffee shop where Isabella works in the guise of suddenly wanting to drink coffee. Mike 'respectfully' didn't allow it if they were to make it to the airport by 5pm. As his driver, Mike's very keen that Freddie arrive at his commitments as tardy as his driving skills would allow.

Freddie doesn't have a choice but settle to his seat. He'll just call her at the library when he gets in his hotel.

At 10 minutes before 5pm, Freddie walks to his bandmates and manager looking posh and calm. Everyone were impressed at seeing him on time.


Sipping champagne on their Business Class seats as the plain cruises steadily at 38,000ft, Freddie went about to write something on his notebook. He was looking through his small bag to retrieve it when he saw the other envelope. He took it out and noticed it a little heavy. Curious, he opened it and saw a key. He pulled the letter out and immediately he was upset. What the hell?!

Dear Mr.Mercury,

I am blessed to have worked for you these past year and a half. It's a remarkably unique and cherished experience. You have been the most kind employer; always generous and thoughtful.

Sadly, I must say that I cannot continue to work for you due to personal reasons. I will start to attend my cooking and baking classes and it will take most of my time. I will need to keep my work at the library and the coffee shop in order to maintain the flat as well as to put into practical use what I learn from the Centré.

More personally, I wish you complete happiness at whatever you set your heart to do. You are wonderful and most deserving of all the good things in life and more. If I haven't made it obvious in all this time with the hope to keep everything professional, I am a big fan of the band. And you most of all.

Please take care Mr.Mercury, it was a pleasure and dream come true knowing you.

Isabella Claire

He crumpled the letter in anger about to throw it in a fit when he remembered where he is. Instead, he walked to the lavatory and locked it.

He stare at himself in the mirror before hissing "Oh no you don't! You don't get rid of me that easily you little witch!" He sat on top of the toilet seat cover before telling himself repeatedly and steady his racing heart. "You will fix this once you get home. She will not get away so easily now that you're sure. Not when I'm ready to deal with this.. this.. thing!"

After splashing cold water and wiping it off his face, Freddie steps back to the cabin with his emotions under control. He can't wait for this trip to be over so he can settle the score with his little cold hearted darling.


"Hello, London Public Library Assistance Desk, Linda speaking. How may I help you?"

"Good morning, may I speak to Ms.Isabella Collins, please?"

"May I know who's on the line?"

"It's Mr.Mason, Alfred Mason"

"I'm afraid she's not affiliated with the library anymore Mr.Mason."

"What do you mean? Of course she is." Freddie's brows furrowed, he's just arrived in his hotel room and has a very short temper right now.

"Well, I am not in liberty to discuss personal details but yesterday was her last day at work."

"What?! How the fuck is she quitting the library too?"

"I'm sorry sir, but we do not condone such language in this institution."

"Oh forget it... I'm sorry about that dear. Thanks for the information, Linda."

"I think I've talked to you before sir... But you sound really similar to.."

"Goodbye dear."

Freddie puts the receiver down before Linda gets to ask further. What the hell is she up to quitting left and right? Unless there's someone there she's also trying to dispose?

And if she's keeping the coffee shop gig then it must only mean one thing...


He sat on his bed seething with jealousy. Oh, I won't let him take her from me! It's not gonna happen! He's a muppet, that Pete. I'm telling you Isabella, don't he dare!


Having gone home from her last day at the library, Isabella felt melancholy. She will have to find a new place to stay in. Oh, if only she can afford to keep this place? But even if she could, she wouldn't qualify with no staff privilege. Her boss clarified her getting booted out wasn't due to her recent absenteeism (which she seriously doubt) but because all the part time employees are being let go. She just happen to fall into the first batch to receive the memo.

With only the job at the café as her source of income, she must find another one which will work around with her upcoming classes in the Centré.

A new place to find and a new job to apply to. All before the month ends. She sighed, it's a really tough life sometimes.

It's good she has saved enough money to cover for a few months if it gets really hard to find new employment. Although if she could, she wants to keep her savings in tact. For future investment. Who knows, she might get to open her own café in the future. A girl can dream, right?

After taking a shower and getting ready for bed, she thought of Freddie. He must have read my letter by now.. and he must have accepted my reasons.. Although that's what she wants to happen, her lonely heart felt lonelier. His life is obviously too bright and exciting to be bothered by her goodbye. Not even a note for mutual graces.

What do you expect? Some sort of farewell party?

A simple hand written letter would be nice. He doesn't even have to be the one to drop it off.

This is what you wanted is it not? So why act all sort of sorry for yourself?

I know, I'm just sad that it's finally happened. That he's out of my reach for good.

Well then stop whinning.

Sigh, it's me and my traitorous mind. How does one get to live peacefully again?

She closed her eyes hoping to sleep this through. Reaching under her pillow, she snuggled Freddie's shirt to her cheeks. At least this, she could let herself cling to for awhile.

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