58. Not Again

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Freddie sat on the backseat staring at Isabella who was looking left and right like a kid too eager to cross a railroad for the first time. Of course suddenly there's a 'convenient store' by the highway where she could run and hide. He had to smirk to himself at that one, funny cause 'How fucking convenient!?'

They've just entered the freeway when they hit a flat tire. And by the looks of it, Isabella needed that time out.

He knew she couldn't go anywhere unless she hitchhiked. And he will clearly see if she were to do that from his view. He almost laugh to himself at the way things keep happening. It's embarrassing how he can't get past her defenses to the point where he had to resort to forcing himself on her.

Meanwhile Mike informed Freddie he needed to change one tire and they'll be on their way again to which he absently nodded.

Just then he remembered about Isabella's letter he 'borrowed' earlier. He grabbed it from his back pocket and hurriedly opened the envelope. His eyes scanned through the contents as he absorbed what was on it all the while also checking across the road to see if she's headed back to the car.

He found out they're laying her off and she's only left till end of the month to find another place to move in and of course she doesn't have any plans of letting him know her life is crumbling.

So that's what's up with all the circled adverts in the classified ads. My doll, trying her best to survive by herself. Atleast she's not running to that-Pete for help. Not gonna happen, I tell you that! No one's gonna rescue my baby but me! Huh!

He was absorbed at his thoughts and pending schemes that he almost forgot to put the letter back in the envelope and hide it in time as Isabella approach the car.

She opened the door and sat on her corner before handing Freddie a freezing can of soda.

"Uhm, I know you're not a carbon drinker except for beer but I thought, well you might like a can of soda at this hour."

Peace offering or trying to dispell me?

He knew she didn't get him beer for fear it will aggravate his heightened preying tendencies on her. He smiled at her careful tactics as he took the soda can.

This won't freeze me over sweetheart, but sure I'll let you have your way. For now.

"Thank you. You shouldn't have, I'm fine with just sitting here in the car." He continues to look at her with his smile steady on his face.

She felt flushed and very uneasy with him just at arm's length. He doesn't need to use force on her, she is undeniably under his spell and that's what she's afraid of.

The will to resist is practically none existent in her anymore. Who is she fooling? She knows he obviously knows that and so he's having the grand time of teasing her and having a good time at her expense.

He is not a bad guy, but he's just still a guy. A hot rockstar with raging hormones type of a guy! And they are made to do such things as to break hearts and act as if it were nothing. This is what her sister had warned her about early on. She's kept clear of boy trouble pretty well until she let her guard down with Freddie. And now she is in deep shit! ( Sorry, I couldn't help it!)

"Hey, penny for your thoughts?" Freddie spoke gently having seen her staring blankly on her shoes for a while now. She was visibility startled and looked to him suddenly.

The sunlight from her open window got caught in Freddie's eyes and it lit it to a warm golden hue. Paired with a soft smile revealing his dimple and she can't help but hold her breath. He looks so beautiful it feels magical. How could she even think she could resist this?

Life is unfair in that it gives you not many choices when your heart is to be broken because truth is there's no escaping it.

"Are you okey doll? You've an odd look on your face." Freddie now looking worried held out his hand to briefly touch her face.

That did it.

As if by an invisible force, she slowly leans towards him while dreamily looking into his eyes. Freddie was caught off guard with her reaction and just kept still as he held his breath at what he thinks is to come. This is it. His heart was beating fast while her face moves towards his, her eyes slowly closing.

He closes his eyes and pucker his lips excitement racing through his veins. She's finally initiating a kiss! And this time it's when they're both awake and sober.

At but a half inch away from the kiss, Mike slams the hood of the car to a close, jolting them back to reality. Isabella's eyes flew open simultaneously with Freddie's and she immediately moves her face away.

"Fuck! No no no no nooo... Baby, listen it's all right. Come." Freddie agitatedly tries to salvage the situation by reaching both hands to her even if one hand still held the soda can.

Isabella now perfectly back to reality tries to explain herself. "Uhm, I must have been day dreaming.. I'm sorry. I just_"

"Well, everything is ok now and we're ready to go again." Mike said cheerfully as he went inside the car glancing at them from his side. The look Freddie gave him could freeze him to death or burst him to flames. 'Sorry that took awhile, I'll just double time with driving' and so he decided to head on right away.

"Darling, what's wrong. You know you could kiss me. Come, I want to kiss you."

She blushed while she mentally scolds herself for forgetting all the self talk she just had earlier.

One look. One look is all it took to go full on mental again, hmm! Don't you ever learn or listen?! Dear Lord do save me from myself please. 

She couldn't find her tongue so instead of speaking coherent thoughts she basically mumbled like a lunatic.

"I uhh, was just. I - well you know. My uhm, I'm sorry.."

Oh God that's humiliating, no one intelligent enough could understand any of that! Lord don't let me further embarrass myself, have mercy on me.

"Why are you sorry? I'm not. I'd love for you to kiss me just as much as I love kissing you." Freddie explained but with hurt obvious in his tone. He looked at her and she just stared outside her window. He decided it's no use trying to talk to her now not with that decided attitude of blocking him out.

What is happening to her? She's dismissive and formal and the one time she showed interest even if she's slightly unaware she says she's sorry?! Fuck it!

The remaining miles they have to cover for this drive will definitely be long and tensed.

If not for worrying he'd push her past her limits with all her notions on boundaries and propriety he'd definitely risk jumping on her again right now and not give a damn what Mike gets to see! He just wants her to loosen the fuck up and take the plunge with him!

For all the fucks that he doesn't give though, this one he can't help sit out. Damn, he doesn't want to scare her away again and this time it might be for good if he doesn't keep his hands or lips (and other parts) in check. Again, what does a boy have to do for her not to feel sorry with intimacy? What?

He glances to her direction and immediately felt defeated with how rigidly she's trying to keep off of him. Face to the window, arms wrapped on herself. He let out a sigh and looked out his side of the window, scowl on his face. Well, this isn't how he imagined the ride would be.

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