1. Before the Journey Sets

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Elizabeth Dane thanked all the nuns in the convent that houses the orphanage where she and her sister Isabella Claire had lived plenty of their childhood life.

You see, Elizabeth was 12 and Isabella just 4 when their mom passed away. Their mother Olivia, had been an accountant for the church where the orphanage was affiliated and had taken a very lovely relationship with the Sisters. However, their lives took a turn when her husband died. She was widowed early just a year after her youngest daughter, Isabella was born.

Olivia had been a loving mother and had devoted her life to her small family. Upon the death of her husband though, her health has taken a toll. Depression hit her with overwhelming magnitude that she slowly spiralled down into a sad sorry state. In just 3 years upon the death of her husband, Olivia follow suit.

The whole convent mourned the death of Olivia who was a cheery and lovely young mother. They all felt bad for the 2 daughters left to no one's care. In all the years of knowing their mother, the nuns have not had any information about her relatives or their father's for that matter. In spite all their efforts, they were unable to hold off anyone related to the now orphaned girls.

The convent decided to take the girls in as their own, raising them the best way they can. With much effort and love as the years rolled, Elizabeth and Isabella are now ready to move along.

Now a young woman of 21, Elizabeth is set to starting her life outside the convent with her sister Isabella who's just turned 13. The Nuns were worried sick of how they would handle the realities outside the convent but are not winning in their pleas with Elizabeth who was so set in her plans. She had already asked the Sisters for permission to leave the convent when she turned 17 but the Sisters requested she kindly put it off just a little while as Isabella was still so young at that time and besides it's best if she'll be able to finish her schooling too they urged her. 4 years on and she cannot wait to hit the road with Isabella.

Elizabeth was very independent, much like a boy in her ways. It must be because she was left to care for her sister 8 years her junior very early in life. She has not taken ill on what happened to them, what she knew of her mother and father was enough to retain memories keeping her grounded that she and her sister were born from a couple in love. Their parents adored each other. Often she'd see her mother receive little token from her dad whenever he'd arrive home. A small boquet of flower, a lovely pin, sweets with notes or anything that he just fancy giving her. Their mother, Olivia, in return would always gush at these simple gestures. Of course she'd get tokens from dad too like a ribbon or candy. A sweet man their dad was.

Upon the death of her dad due to heart attack, her mom was never the same. The light in her eyes just switched off. She was never outwardly showing signs of depression but the sadness ate on her. Elizabeth would often give her mom small tokens mirroring her dad's gestures to make her day better whenever she comes home from school. Olivia would smile at her daughter's gesture but would end up with tears or a far away gaze soon after.

She understood mommy was feeling unwell and would play with her baby sister while mom asks for a few minutes to take a bath. In the bath however, anguished sobs would always escape and Elizabeth would sing to her sister in order to drown out the sadness that mommy makes. She remembers the Sisters visits were becoming more frequent as their mom's overall outlook spiral down. On one of her mom's better days, Olivia asked Elizabeth to sit beside her while Isabella sleeps in the cot nearby. She was so happy that mommy seem like herself that day. But what Olivia spoke of forced Elizabeth to grow up in that instant.

"My dearest big girl, you've grown so fast I cannot believe my eyes. Your dad left us so soon darling and it breaks my heart knowing you miss him so. And mommy adds to your suffering due to my heart aches which I cannot seem to take hold off. I love you my darling girl, and if I am failing you please forgive mommy.. help me pour love to your sister as there is only you and I now to let her know what family is. Please promise me dear no matter where you go to always take care of your sister. Would you love?"

Elizabeth had not taken her promise lightly. She had been the best biggest sister anyone could wish for.

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