30. How on Earth

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She didn't run. She was frozen to her seat. Her heart drowning her ears with its noise, beating far too loudly in the silent breeze.

"Isabella.. my darling.. please.. please, don't run from me..." Freddie's voice pleaded to her softly and with sadness like in supplication.

He was a few steps away but right from where she is Isabella could feel his nearness as if they were skin to skin. She  stood up slowly, unsure what to do. She couldn't think with this much emotion running through her.

She slowly looked to him, tears still in her eyes from earlier. In that moment she felt her knees buckle, requiring her to grab hold of the benches' arm to keep her steady.

This prompted Freddie to move closer, almost touching her arm for support before Isabella moved it towards her chest out of his reach.

Instantly Freddie felt the weight of her rejection, his mistake clearly not forgotten nor forgiven.

He had gone back and forth, 4 straight days looking for her everywhere he could like a lost animal. Yesterday being the only exemption when he decided to record the song with the band. A song that completely mirrors his inner turmoil and ultimately what he hopes for at the moment.

The Band called it a night past 2 in the morning and the first thing he did before the break of dawn was drag Mike out here and look for her. He couldn't just let it end like this, he knew he was at fault and had to fix it!

"I.. I don't want to excuse myself from what I did.. you didn't deserve any of that. I don't know what came over me, only that-that I couldn't stand what I saw at the restaurant.. Let me please hold you, darling...please.."

Freddie can't help a tear escape his eye and Isabella looked at him right before he wiped it. Head bent down, his hand stayed to his side while the other stretched towards her, asking in silence.

Isabella stared at his open palm and somehow couldn't stop herself from slowly reaching her left hand she was clutching hard from her chest to Freddie's trembling ones.

As soon as he felt it, he looked up to her, slowly taking one step closer wanting to be near her and she saw how grief stricken he was.

He placed her palm on his cheek, using both his hands to cover hers as he press his cheek further while leaning on it with eyes closed.

His relief was like an out of body experience that it was spiritual. It was but a few seconds and yet it was eternity on its own.

When he felt ready, Freddie opened his eyes, every tender emotion for Isabella to see. Unknowingly, she lift her other hand to one more of his cheeks. She couldn't resist his ardent sincerity, at age 29 he was very much just a boy.

She caressed his face with so much gentleness, she couldn't believe he was here and she could touch him. Freddie then moved even closer to wrap his arms around her gently. The most gentle way he knows how. He could finally breathe.

He spoke a few moments after. "Isabella, please.. darling, I would never hurt you. I was a real ogre and I couldn't even recognize myself. Please forgive me doll." He felt so ashamed remembering how he acted.

"I was really frightened of you.. I, you leapt and, your words.."

Letting her go out of his embrace, he sat abruptly while his hands fidget on his lap, head bent down. "Ohh please darling, I'm really sorry I was out of my mind and heartless. Don't remember me that way.." He looked up to her with pleading eyes.

"Fre - Mr.Mercury...I kept thinking.. what I did wrong...why were yo_" 

He grabbed both her hands before he cuts her. "Freddie. Please just Freddie, don't do that don't push me away Belle... You did nothing, it was all me, I was, well I, got too much to drink and that is no excuse. But um, I got lost in my dark thoughts and now I regret it terribly, terribly."

"Dear there you are, I thought you already left!" Sister Annie's cheery voice startled them.

Isabella whirls in surprise. "Oh! Sorry Sister Annie, I was just taking in some fresh air while I read. Uhmm, well this is Mr.Freddie Mercury, he umm, I look after his cats and his house when he's away."

"Please call me Freddie, it's lovely to meet you Sister Annie." Freddie shook the elderly nun's hand as he stood on his feet.

"Glad to meet you as well, Freddie. What a lovely speaking voice you have." Isabella could almost giggle if not for the gravity of her situation. The nun for sure had no idea the kind of voice this man posses.

"Oh, Isabella what time is your bus for London, child? I remember that's why I was looking for you. Oh dear, age is making me forgetful."

"Is she on her way, sister? I could take her along. My car is just outside and I will be heading back to London anyway."

"What a coincidence! See, I told you dear, God's timing is always right. Now, don't keep Mr.Mercury waiting. Thank you good sir, you're heaven sent."

Freddie almost choked at that last bit, he clearly felt far from that.

She then turns to Isabella to bid her goodbye. "My child, please take care always and you know you can come back anytime. Don't take too long this time for your next visit." The elderly nun hugs Isabella and struts in a hurry to the convent doors waving them goodbye as she round the corner.

Before Isabella could remove her gaze from the retreating figure of sister Annie, Freddie cleared his throat before speaking from beside her, one hand gently guiding her shoulder to face him.

"Am I forgiven?.. Please say I am, doll."

It took her awhile to respond making Freddie very anxious before she did nod very faintly and Freddie's face broke into  a wide grin as he picked her up in an embrace and twirls her around! As if all those nights of manic self loathing has finally washed away, he hums to himself happily.

Isabella gasped in surprise! "Mr.Mercury! Please, whoahh". Freddie puts her down only to fling her over his shoulder like a sack.

"No, if you won't call me Freddie!" He was grinning even harder.

"Wha-okey! Okey! Freddie please!"

He sets her down on the bench and he sat beside her, all too happy to care that she looked so red with embarrassment.

"I'll just, uhmm go get my, go inside for my things. Would you like to umm, it's cooler inside if you'd like to come."

He looked at her and suddenly had the gal to suggest, "Well, now that you've forgiven me, uhmm maybe I could get a peck - just so it's sealed you know? Just a small one dear.. please? I need to be sure I'm forgiven, really forgiven.."

He taps his cheek with a finger while Isabella stare.

What is happening right now? She thought to herself.

"Come on dear, just a small one." Freddie insisted. Perhaps a quick kiss to the cheek won't hurt? So she glanced right and left before zooming uncontrollably fast towards Freddie.


"Ouch! That's a pretty brutal way to do it won't you say dear?" She hit her nose straight to his cheekbone due to the abruptness of her movement.

Now more embarrassed, she apologized "Oh I'm so sorry, Freddie! I wasn't looking!"

"It's okey dear, why don't I give you one then if that's all right?"

"Hmm?" she looks at him uncertain then panning her eyes to the grounds again for onlookers before eventually nodding.

He moved slowly to touch her chin and he kissed her cheek, lingering for a moment longer. But that is simply not enough, Freddie lift his lips slightly and very gently he kissed her lips. It was over before Isabella could react.

"There, friends again right doll?" And his smile with those warm brown eyes could melt her into submission, he could tell her the world is flat and she would agree.

"I should umm, the time, my things.."

"Right. I better wait for you in the car, just out in front. Do you need help getting your things down?" 

"No! I mean no I'm okey, just give me a few minutes." And she hurried back to the upstairs room by the corner to calm her nerves more than to get her things.

God must be playing tricks on her with the Freddie situation in her life. That's got to be it.

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