78. Band Boys

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As a means of helping Isabella dispell any embarrassment their earlier tryst might cause her once out the restroom: Freddie, concealed from her view, made an effort to shot dead with his stare anyone who would so much as make an unnecessary stray look to his girl.

When satisfied, he led his little nymph to a seat beside Veronica Deacon, someone he knew will be in total understanding of her discomfort. After introducing the two, he went to get changed with the other 3 almost done and excited for the after party.

Freddie was more than eager to get home with his girlfriend, the excitement clearly showing from his pants would make a seasoned sailor blush. He feels THIS will be the night it's finally going to happen for them.

Nearly 4 months of draught, not counting the 'resting period' outside their relationship totally wrecked him.

But not tonight. Tonight HE will do the wrecking! It was even as if the heavens have finally allowed it with this concert getting cut short and that sort of thing never happens! At least not for the Queen shows with fans always rooting, chanting, demanding for an encore!

He laughed inwardly as he combs his hair, imagining just how Isabella thought she knows what she's up against but haven't the faintest idea what's really in-store for her!

Doll, you better be ready. Oh! The things I'll do to you!

Trying to keep his cool as he bid the boys goodbye, hoping they will not see him almost visibly shaking with anticipation and escape their endless hammering jokes that will follow.

His band mates could sense excitement of this sort and be the biggest cock-blockers in the whole of London town just for the heck of it! They like to kindly frustrate each other that way among other things.

"You got to be kidding us or you're sick Fred?! Since when do you skip the after-parties?!"

"You all enjoy without me Bri, I'm too tired and afraid I've got to call it a night *yawns* Oh god what has caught me, can't even keep my eyes open." His long thick lashes flutter for subtle emphasis.

"Bloody liar! Comm'on, since when *glanced at his watch* is 11:43 on a Saturday night too late? You are up to something I can tell!"

"Roger. Just because not everyone is a party animal like YOU doesn't mean it isn't phurfectly normal to head home before midnight!"

"Actually Freddie, to be fair you never leave early - unless you of course..."

"Ugh, Deaky! I told you all, I'm simply just tired and I wa_"

Roger caught a glimpse of Isabella from the corner of his eyes and brisk to her, a wide grin on his lips, not waiting for Freddie to finish. "Belle darling! Come join us for the after party! Fred there is too tired but we'll keep you company. The girls will all be coming too. Right Ronnie?"

"Just what do you think you're doing you annoying little twig!" Freddie hurriedly walked right behind him.

"Hey, what do you mean twig?! We're just the same built!" Then with mischief in his eyes he look back to Isabella "Let that old man retire for the night sweet cakes, we young ones could have all the fun!" *wink*

"Rog, piss off!" Putting a protective hug on Isabella's waist who stood up, unsure what the commotion is about. "We wanna go home! Don't we darling?"

"Ha! _ Aha! That's why!! You're an ogre, Fred! Don't go with him, Belle. He cannot be trusted at this rate."

"Brian, you ass! Don't start this shit!"

"I mean she could be hungry, it's almost midnight. Have you had something to eat, dear? You could join us if you like." John held his wife's hand, who looked to him sweetly.

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