39. At the Hospital

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Freddie was too caught up with trailing behind the taxi not realizing they were headed for the hospital until they were parked.

He saw Isabella and the boy go inside and he wanted to jump on their heel that very moment. But he knows he will not get to the elevator without someone shouting his name. So he asked Mike again to do the dirty deed of following Isabella inside.

It took awhile before his trusty driver came back. Once he did, Mike relayed what information he could to Freddie. When Mike thought all was good, he thought wrong. He was asked by Freddie to bring Isabella to him since he could not go out and bring her himself.

It took longer this time for Mike to reappear. When he did, Freddie's face beams seeing the mission was a success, Isabella is now walking beside Mike.

She enters the car which Mike opened for her and closed the car door behind her leaving them two alone.

"Freddie, what are you doing here?"

Freddie's eyes flies to her cleavage, his willy going hard in an instant. So now you're serviceable again!? He scolds himself while he forced his eyes to look at her lovely face. There, there, we also love to look at that beauty.

"I was worried about you, darling. I called the library and they said you were out today."

"Oh.. well, we had an emergency this morning. Alice got into so much pain and they had to admit her for observation."

"Is everything all right? What was the reason, did the doctor say?"

"She's pregnant and must have gotten stressed and tired which caused the scare for miscarriage."

"She is? Glad the baby is all right. How are you though, doll? Have you eaten? Did you get some sleep?" Freddie took Isabella's hands as he spoke.

"Don't mind me, I'm ok Freddie. Thank you. I guess I should go back now, they might be doing the night rounds in a bit." She tried to take her hands back but Freddie tightened his grip. I can't do this now, please have mercy Freddie . Her inner self pleading silently.

"Doll, who's that boy with you?" Freddie's question caught her off guard she couldn't answer right away.

"Wha..who? Oh, that's Timothy, Mrs.Walsh's son. Suzanne, you remember?"

"I see.. So, he's your friend?" His eyes piercing hers in their intent gaze.

"I suppose he is.."

"Well, is he more than a friend?"

"Uhmm no? Why would you think that?"

"Well he had flowers and seem, you know.. that's why I asked.. so, he's just your pal?"

"He umm, he.. Tim.. seems to like me as maybe more than a pal." She can't seem to look in Freddie's eyes as she said that. This is not even his business. She reminded herself just to tap on some confidence that she doesn't have.

Freddie was moving his thumbs on the back of her hands, caressing them as he asked. "Uhumm.. but you do see him as just that right? A friend?"

"Yeahh.. just a friend_ like an older brother."

Freddie released her hands and clapped a little with a big grin to his face. "Oh dearie, must be awful for him but it's ok it's better that he knows from the beginning right?"

"Hmm?" Isabella was confused with his reaction but have no time to think about it. "Freddie, I think I have to go. Ali might need something.."

"Oh yes, absolutely! But just one thing darling. We don't want to give that boy the wrong impression do we? I mean he might think you're dressing up to impress him."

Isabella suddenly felt self conscious. Elizabeth gave this shirt to her and she has not ever worn it once. She fidget with the front neck trying to cover more of herself.

"Now, now, don't worry dear. Here you can take my shirt, it's more 'conservative' can you believe that?" He joked while unbuttoning his baby yellow polo shirt.

"Freddie! No, stop! I could get changed later I brought some clothes!"

"Hey, don't panic doll, I'm just after your peace of mind. And that boys' too. Here, you can take your top off and put mine. I won't look." Freddie bounced on his sit with his back to Isabella and patiently looked straight ahead of him.

"Freddie, please.. this is not necessary.. I told you I ha.."

"I won't leave if you don't put that on, dear. We don't want that boy drooling all over the place." He straighten his back further to emphasize his stance. "Hurry now doll, your friend might be waiting for you."

Isabella couldn't believe what he is making her do. She shook her head as she faced towards the other side to cover her front and remove her top. She hurriedly try to put Freddie's polo with the button getting caught in her hair. Of course Freddie couldn't resist taking a peak while she struggled to get it down. Those hot hot undershirt is all he need to see to make his blood boil. For someone so discrete, she really has an outrageously sexy number underneath. Finally getting the shirt on, she looked around and tapped Freddie on the shoulder.

His furry chest out in the open just an arms length for her to touch. She must have looked too long earning a little tease from Freddie, "Happy with the merchandise, darling?"

Isabella blushed all shades of red until she couldn't blush further. "Hey, I'll keep this one for awhile ok, dear? I should really take you shopping soon!"

"Umm.. I've got to go... good night"

"Wait for a sec., what about my kiss?"

"Freddie, please..." She could almost turn to dust with how much she wants to disappear at the moment.

But no mercy would be had that night. You better not forget about me, babe. Freddie held her upper arm and gently but firmly moved her face towards his. His kiss was soft and sweet. Once done, he whispers to her ear,"I'll dream of you tonight, darling. Dream of me too."

She jumped out of the car before he could grab her. That's it, that's the last time I'm letting him near me. She stormed back to the hospital leaving Freddie in the back seat with a triumphant grin on his face.

My baby doll is so cute when she's embarrassed. He pulled the car door to a close from the inside which Isabella  left while fleeing.

Mike approached the driver's seat and was instructed by Freddie to drive home. He noticed Freddie is now wearing the white shirt Isabella had on earlier. They have a crazy relationship that's for sure.

 They have a crazy relationship that's for sure

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