64. Let's Make it Official

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Mike had seen part of what happened before the two run to the church corner so he could more or less surmise an agreement had been establish from the time they run to the secluded area to the time they went back to the car.

The way they were acting now most definitely point a positive agreement was reached.

"Thank you for the ring again Freddie, it's the best gift I've ever received."

"Anything for you, Doll. Give me a kiss."

Shyly glancing in front to see if Mike might be looking, she hurriedly gave Freddie a peck on the cheek.

"Hey? That doesn't count. Give me a real one, sweetheart."

Freddie closed his eyes while his lips pucker up into a smooch. Isabella knew even if Mike doesn't pry that he's still one person too many, enough to make her self conscious. She gave Freddie a quick kiss on the lips before whispering in his ear. "I'll give you one later, bunny love."

Freddie initially was to protest with that smack before turning his pucker to a smile after she whispered to him.

"I'll hold you to that promise, darling."

And for the rest of the ride, the two remained quiet in the backseat alternating from who's leaning to who's lap or shoulder.


"Thank you, Mike. We'll see you in the morning."

Freddie took Isabella's hand as they walk up to the front of his flat.

"Freddie, um I could take a cab from here if Mike's to retire for the night."

"Why would you do that?"

"I mean, I could stay awhile but later I have to go back to my place."

They stopped at the landing just as Freddie opened the door with his key. He looked at Isabella with a smile before bending over to carry her like a bride.

"But we're home darling! Haven't I promised I'll bring you to your place?" He kicked the door with the back of his shoe as he walked them inside and flicking the light switch for the hall.

"Freddie! You're being funny again! Put me down please." She smiled at him, this boy sure loves joking around!

"But I'm not!" He returned her smile as he went up to his bedroom, opening the doorknob and kicking the door to open.

At this rate Isabella is in a bit of panic mode suddenly aware she's trapped.

"Freddie, wait. We haven't talked about this."

"Darling, calm down. We have so much time to talk later." 

He put her down on his bed as he removed his shoes while standing.

"Freddie, I just. You must remember that.  Wait!"

Freddie continued on removing his socks then taking off his suspenders before jumping to the bed to crawl to her.

"I mean, you did promise me a kiss." He grab one of her shoes and threw it over his shoulder before she backed a little to the headboard. He smiled at her before grabbing the other shoe and tossing it to the side.

He was slowly unbuttoning his shirt before Isabella raised both her hands shaking in panic "Stop! Will you uh, wh-wait! Please, Freddie!"

A sudden burst of laughter erupted from Freddie and for the life of her, Isabella couldn't understand why?!

"Oh darling! You should have seen your face! Even in the dead of night I could see how ashen your cheeks have become!"

Embarrassed at being teased, she couldn't help whine! "You're crazy!" Looking to her side, she grabbed a pillow and threw it at Freddie.

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