72. Over Dinner

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"Maybe you didn't like what I chose?"

The voice caught her off guard and made her heart flutter sounded from the door, low and smooth like velvet in the quiet house.

"Oh hi!_No, um.. these are lovely. And they look expensive.. I don't think_"

The black prince adjusted his posture from the casual way he leaned from the door before he cuts her. "Don't think what? Hmm, dear?"

In his house, it's easily noticable how Freddie turns to this much more sensual being. It can be likened to a sleek panther going for a liesurely stroll just after it wakes from a nap or when it circles its prey. His steps glide with ease as he walks in her room, barefoot.

"I've gone out of my way to look for something I think you'll like.." The way by which he spoke was gentle but has an element of authority in it. Along his speech, his hand guided her to a stand putting her arms on his shoulders one after the other before he held her by the waist.

"The only thing I ask is" he softly kiss the tip of her nose "you give it a try. Don't keep pushing away, if you want this relationship to work kitten." His deep gaze made her slowly nod her head. This time around she was introduced to a more dominant side of him. She's so used to the sweet and childish side it's a bit unnerving when he lets her have a feel of this Freddie. "Good girl, now come give me a kiss."

His hands circled to the back of her waist exuding a very possessive and protective feeling. The hair she likes to play with so much now drips on her hands as she held tighter to his nape. The authoritative manner he showed had turned her on. That plus how good he smelled is a potent combination, giving a field day to her senses.

He already showered.. smells..so..good..

Her feet lifted a few inches as she was carried to the bed without breaking the kiss. Her teeth soon graze to his lower lips, bitting before sucking sweetly. His tongue went in her mouth, twirling with hers in slow in and out motion. She couldn't resist sucking his tongue, hands traveling to his face to keep him steady. Freddie let's out a moan before moving to bite her lips and moving the feverish sucking to her neck. His hand went the side of her face letting his thumb touch her lower lip.

The need to reciprocate the passion burns in her body. She adjusted her lips for better angle and slowly she let her tongue play with his thumb making Freddie's face snap at her. Not content, she let the tip of his thumb in her mouth and suck on it. Her eyes in ecstasy looking at Freddie while she guide his thumb with her own hand to fully suck on it for a second before giving one final lick.

Freddie's smouldering eyes looked at her hungrily and as if in pain grabbed her face with both hands and lapped on her lips with open mouthed aggressive kissing, grunting heavily with need. "Angel, I fucking swear!.. stop leading me on.." His eyes looked at her, both commanding and pleading her before going again for more.

All of a sudden Tom and Jerry went running after each other in the room, jumping on top of the bed and on Freddie's legs and back before doing a stare down on space above Isabella's head. Strong scandalized hissing and loud exchange of meows followed, paws ready to punch and then a full blown scratch fest blew! Isabella ducked for cover but a few still landed on her hair while the two  spoiled brats were at it.

"You two! Get down! I said stop it! No fighting! Stop that shit!"

Freddie tried to grab Tom but the agitated fur ball jumped in surprise earning the same reaction from Jerry. They looked at each other as if promising to do the other one better before chasing down the main floor.

"Oh God that just didn't happen. Fuck! I must really learn to lock the damned door. Here - here, are you ok? Where were we darling, come."

"Ouch! I might have lost a few strands there. I better wash up, I know a few scratches are in there too."

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