28. What a Coincidence

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Sister Annie called the library for Isabella after she insisted on staying another few days instead of the usual overnight visit. Of course it is a welcome thing but this is so out of character for Isabella that she can't help but wonder. "Belle dear, is there something you want to tell me, child? Have you got a problem or something's worrying you? You could tell me dear, you know that, don't you?"

Isabella contemplated an image of sister Annie reacting to hearing about her assault assuaged only by Freddie suddenly coming to his senses. Nope, I don't think that will do anybody good. She instead explained how she's been confused with her future plans and wanted to come here for some advice. "I just can't decide what to do with myself, and besides I miss being here."

Still not convinced but decided to let Isabella from getting too anxious, sister Annie held her hands. "This home is always open for you anytime you need to come back dear. Don't worry too much about the future, God looks after us all. If you want, you can come join us and be 'Sister Isabella'. Think about it, ok?" The elderly nun smiles and taps her hand between hers.

Before leaving for London with Elizabeth, that could have been a possible future for her. But now, the past few days made it evident she wants something else. Freddie is making her loose her sensibility far too quickly than she could control it.

His presence in her life had been constant the past year and a half mounting her admiration for him at an undeniable state. With some play of destiny, the past days his presence was suddenly so personal it escalated her fondness of him to a fever pitch.

She wouldn't tell a soul but she could swear her dream of him boarder a realness she felt it hot in her sleep. Hot in places she's not proud of. In that dream, he cupped her center spot she felt so warm inside. His body pressed to her back and she could feel all of him, he had so much heat it's calling to her on an instinct. She wanted more from him, to touch her until the aching goes away but before it happened the dream ended. She remembers stirring from her sleep with Freddie nearly beside her lying flat on his back like a log. And that's all there was to it, must be too much alcohol she'll never know. If alcohol bring about those fantasies to life, it's no shocker to her now why there were far too many drunks anyway.

Isabella went to one of the rooms she's been using with Elizabeth when they do come visit. They share it with 2 other nuns, tonight though she was alone. She asked for 3 more days leave from the library and the cafe to clear her thoughts.

She could pack her bags and stay here for good but what would be her future in that? How should I go about now? She thought about what happened yesterday. Why was he so angry? He wanted to hurt me... then he stopped from mid outrage and was.. sorry... Isabella let her tears fall in the dark, her thoughts on Freddie. If he would' have just listened.. It being her first heartbreak, Isabella couldn't describe it better other than 'it sucks'.


She had been enjoying her Sunday afternoon out in the convent grounds, reading an old book when she heard someone call for her, "Isabella? How are you all the way here? May I sit beside you?" John said in his trademark voice as he quietly approach her.

She must have looked like death was upon her before John broke her stare with a silly laugh "Are you all right? I wasn't sure it was you before I got closer."

"John! I'm sorry, you took me by surprise.. I'm just, I'm.. I'm.. yeah, why  was I here? That's a good question actually" and she just couldn't go about with forming a decent sentence. Why is he here?! . Looking at her with curiosity, John was positive Julia almost just had a heart attack.

"Well, let me try again, ummm.. I was here for a visit and got just about the rest I needed to face the week ahead. There, that about sums it up." She finally managed to smile a little. "Ummm, and you? What are you doing this far out of London?"

"I am just waiting on my wife. She's gone inside for a confession. Basically we were just headed back from visiting some relatives of hers and she decided this is as good time as any to confess. Have you met her? Ronnie?" This was the longest time Isabella ever spoke with John and although he's the most reserve of the group, she's still not immune to his quiet but definite rockstar status. She likes John in a way that they're very similar.

"Oh, really? How lucky to have the same place in mind for some confession" I need to go have one myself actually, and very badly at that!

"When will you be headed back to London? We could give you a lift if you like? We're good with company in that long drive. Ronnie will be glad to meet you for sure."

"Oh, how nice of you to ask. But I'm, the thing is, I still. Need. To. Settle something here! Yep, some stuff! Big personal stuff! But uhm, it's so nice to see you John." Now thinking of a reason to go, she gasped, "Oh would you look at that! Looks like I got to get going. Hope to meet Ronnie another time, you both take care now!"

"Why, I didn't realize you were in such a hur... Ok then, see you another time!" John was cut short of his bid for farewell before Isabella started running towards the back of the convent while he wave goodbye.

He shrugs to himself and was about to walk back when he saw the book Isabella was reading had fallen of the bench.

'The Velveteen Rabbit.' 

John almost giggled to himself remembering that Freddie's favorite book is Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter. He thought to himself, those two ought to starting reading Robert bedtime stories with these choices for literature.

He took the book and made a mental note to give it back when they see each other again. Bunnies, what an interesting choice indeed.

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