17. Say Yes!

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He stares at her from his piano bench while Isabella got distracted by the boys greeting her. He stood up and slowly went to the control room.

"How have you been, Belle? Freddie told us you haven't been coming for awhile now" Brian warmly kissed her cheek. Of course she blushed still overwhelmed by them so casually talking to her.

"Sweet cakes, everything okey?" Roger goes for the other cheek soon after, that made Freddie roll his eyes. Let the girl breath you buffoons! Freddie almost lets out.

John also leans to kiss her cheek as Isabella starts to speak "Ohh, it's nice to see you all again. Well.. uhmm, there were some.. my sister,uhmm.. she left.." she was looking down at her shoes now unable to continue until the boys seem to go in chorus, "Oh? where had she gone?" They smiled at her all thinking it's no sensitive topic.

Freddie then steps in for her "I think we better let her sit, boys. Where are your manners you tarts!" They moved suddenly dispersing away from her motioning to give her a seat. "Oh, yeah what's gotten into us." "Here, have a sit dear." "Sorry about that." They all spoke together. Freddie can't help with the eye roll once again.

Freddie rested his hand on her lower back as he led her to the best chair they have. Isabella tensed right away!

As she sat down, she spoke to dispel her shyness. She must work on this too if she'll start living on her own.

"I baked some goodies for Freddie and there's enough for everyone... Uhmm, I'm not an expert but it's edible." They chuckled all taken by surprise at her humour. Before the boys could paw down the box, Freddie snatched it and stood up.

"Hey!!" All three shouted.

"Well boys, she said it's mine" He smirks at them.

"Well she said there's enough for everyone! Com'on Fred!" Roger snaps!

"I'd like one too Freddie, really" John seconds

"Well we deserve the treat after what you put us through today, don't you think? Being all crossed and going bubblah bublahh" Brian mimicks Freddie and the two others laughing. 

"Why you!! Fine! But let me take the first pick!" He then opens the box and was greeted by a note with very pretty calligraphy on the inside: 'To Mr.Mickey, I hope you like these; made specially for you' He took the card and looked at it a moment longer before smiling at her shyly and then puts it inside his pocket.

"Come on Fred! We haven't got all night!" Roger screeches at him.

He gave him a look of exasperation before looking at the box again and taking one of the chocolate ones. He bit it and instantly closed his eyes. "Hmmm"

The three others then raid the box all getting the same as what Freddie took and in unison much like a harmonized backing vocal they all said "hmmmm"

Isabella was chuckling lightly from her seat, forgetting her nerves altogether. They're too kind, she thought.

They just ate away not talking awhile, a few appreciative sounds here and there and she was just looking at them. These boys are so different when on stage and when just by themselves.

Looking at them now, you wouldn't think they're rock stars made to look like they don't have a care in the world. The couple of times she's been around them, she always hear them exchange ideas like siblings. So relaxed at one another they curse and shout at a slight provocation but by a snap, suddenly laughs at some silly thing only they 4 could understand. The chemistry is really there, how nice it must be to have family outside family.

Lucky for them they have both. Oh well, as long as I'm healthy and able then I'll be just fine. She sighs breaking the trans with which the boys were under.

"These are really good, Belle" Brian said. "Really top notch." He smiles.

"I'd say better than the fucks I had lately." Roger shares with his mouth full of chocolate.

"Could I get one for Robert? He's not allowed chocolate but these are too good to pass" John asks Isabella.

"Well John it's ok with me, but please spare me Ronnie's wrath once Robert gets his sugar rush" Freddie answered for her staking claim to the goodies as his.

The boys were about to try the lemon squares when Freddie spoke. "Spare the damn squares, they're mine!"

"That's a lot Freddie!"
"No way you're keeping all that to yourself!"
"Well those look really yummy too."

The other three spoke over each other and Freddie almost got away with closing the box only they snatched it faster!

All three then dug in and just fill their mouths till it won't close! Freddie starts shouting "You pigs! I would get you back you little shits! Get your hands off, get them ooofffff!"

By the time he got the box back, there were only 3 lemon squares left. All the other boys falling to their backs in a laughing fit with their mouths too full to close.

Freddie was first glaring at the three, free hand balling into fists while the other holding the box like a kid at lunchtime robbed of his favorite meal. But he wasn't immune to the comical looks his three dorky bandmates are specially making right now! He joined their laughter, the bellowing sound travelling to the front desk. Now all four of them reduced to tears with laughter!

Isabella looks at them in disbelief, thinking to herself, I'm sure as hell I didn't put anything in those damn pastries!

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