32. Was I Dreaming

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"Ooohhh, show me you want me. I want to see how much you want that pussy pounded with this cock'. Let me fuck you hard, baby."

"Isabella.. please wake up. You were dreaming."

Isabella went down from ecstasy and awakens with passion still in her eyes. She was confused for a moment before she leapt to sit upright holding the mattress to her chest.

"Freddie...? Wha, why are you still here? Were you, uhmm, I thought.."

"I was about to leave when I umm, saw Mike had already left. And then well, I remember you, ummm usually have bad dreams so, I thought why not just stay like friends do? Really I mean, what could happen, right?"

"But your clothes, where, you didn't.."

"Yeah that, well umm, Mike, left my night bag outside apparently. How thoughtful, he is very. Now, right, you were having some sort of dream. Are you all right? What's it about dear?"

"Was I? Ohh, I.. uhh I, don't remember. Yeah.. hmm, strange. I better get some water." Isabella hurries out the room thankful the lights were closed so Freddie wouldn't see her blush. She was having the naughtiest dream about him and for the love of God it felt so real! Oh why was it cut short?

Even in dreams he won't let me have him.

You better stop it miss!!

Was I not trying?

Clearly not enough.

She was shaking her head hard at herself.

Freddie almost just behind her, scurries to the bathroom. Must be his bladder again? Well, for sure he wouldn't suspect she's capable of such dreams would he? One lifetime ago she's nice and the next she's in the naughty list! Why must he stir her like that wether awake or asleep?

She went to her room and locked the door, she better change her panties which is humiliating too wet to be decent.

"Isabella, dear? Why are you in your room? I mean, I didn't do anything I, we could.. Surely it's all right to stay together? Dear?" Freddie knocks on her door in insistent rapid little taps.

"I uh, like to be (how do you get out of this situation again?). I'm, I'm not so comfortable in that room!"

"Well, now that you said it, neither will I be then. Umm, well if I could come in there, I don't take up much room darling. Really, I could just lay flat and, and you won't even notice me."

It's impossible not to notice you, she answered back silently to him. "I, umm, it's almost dawn anyway and, I snore!" Crap!

"You don't, you breathe heavily Belle dear, but not snore.. hey, like you said umm, just a couple more hours. I'm not naughty, I'm not I swear." Freddie, scratching the door with his pointing finger as he speak.

I am. Too naughty actually for your safety. She sighed, "Freddie... I.."

"Darling, please.. I just want a goodnight sleep. That's all.. I don't sleep well on my own.."

How could she not give in to that? He always gets his way with her. And she just can't say no once his voice starts to sound like a baby. She sighed and went to unlock the door. He almost knocked her out when he was about to go inside in a hurry but she stopped him. "Hep! Freddie, this bed won't do... Let's go back to the other room."

"But you said it's not comfy. I could share this one with you, not a problem." He was about to move again but she halted him by his chest.

"Nooo, please, let's use the other one." Isabella pleaded. Realizing where her hands were, she puts it down suddenly. Instead, she pulls his wrist towards the next room.

"Ok doll, no need to be too eager. I'll go sleep with you in that room. Come now." And for the sake of propriety, she didn't call him out on his little manipulating scheme.

Freddie lay to his side of the bed (which she casually now knows which one) and taps the side so she would join him. "Hop on darling, we need to get more sleep. It's quarter to 6 in the morning now."

God, don't I want to hop on on' that?! Lord, please heal me from this disease that's plaguing me! She gulped and crawled to the other side as far from Freddie as possible and curled like a fetus. Just an hour or so, she could endure if she stayed on her side.

Freddie lifts his head after Isabella obviously chose the extreme side of the bed opposite his side. His hand still hanging mid air, holding the covers for her. Well, this won't do for him. Freddie moves to snuggle towards her back wrapping the blanket on top of them.

"Brrr, it's soo cold, how nice that we're this cozy, don't you think so?" Freddie spoke in an exaggerated fashion as he hugs Isabella from behind, nuzzling his face to her neck and hair. Now this is how he likes it.

But this is not helping Isabella at all. She doesn't feel cold, in fact she is so hot she could feel the heat sip out of her every pore. Besides, it's summer time how can he feel cold?

Her mind in full swing of all the lewd thoughts she could conjure at this time. Why must he smell so good? It's making her heady. And that arm over her, with his long fingers secured on her waist. She could feel his legs beneath hers and something digging slightly on her round ass. While he breathes on her ear in an even steady rhythm all the while his lip so subtly touching her neck, she struggled to keep hers without sharp intake of air like fish out of water.

Isabella kept her eyes shut tight, concentrated on keeping the salacious thoughts at bay.

If only the sun would come early today, it will save her so much energy from fighting her inner battle. Nothing ever comes easy in her life, Isabella thought in exasperation.

Satin FantasyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora