27. Back at the convent

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It was nearly lunchtime when Isabella arrived at the convent and the Sisters were so pleasantly surprised by her visit.

"Isabella Claire, what has taken you so long to come give us a visit, hmm?"

"Am I in trouble already? Oh, I missed you sister Annie!" Isabella ran to the elderly nun who had been the nearest thing to a mother to her. Other than her sister Elizabeth of course who was always mothering her anyway.

"Ohh, darling child, you are sending us early to grave with all these worry you're causing us! We miss you love!" Sister Annie hugged Isabella warmly making her feel better in an instant. Sister Annie is one of their mother's closest confidant in the convent. Although pushing in her late 60's now, she is still considered too hip and groovy to the irk of some of the convent's dwellers.

The other nuns have gone and hugged Isabella too as they lead her to the dinning hall for lunch. It's been over 3 months now since they've seen her, the last was from the small ceremony at Elizabeth's and her husband's wake. No one wanted to bring up that topic and so everyone skirted around it. Isabella for her part answered all their questions may it be about the weather or her cooking skills needing attention. All in all, no one asked how she's getting on or why the sudden appearance. Lunch ended soon enough and she had a little time to spend on her own and settle down.

Isabella really did miss the convent. The stale smell that comes with old places is a welcome thing to her. And she just can't be bothered here by evil intentions or thoughts;  Just what I need, it's a convent after all.

As she was unpacking her night bag, a piercing squeal made her cover her ears. "Belle!! You're here!" Alice, one of her childhood friends who was 5 years her senior couldn't contain her delight!

"Hi Ali! I'm glad to see you're as loud as before." Isabella joked while returning the hug as they fall to the bed from loosing balance.

"I've something to tell you! I thought you'd have been back sooner but I guess you needed alone time after.., well after what happened to Elizabeth."

"Yeah.., I just wasn't keen to having to endure everyone's sympathy. I might loose it, you know? I just don't want them-you all, to worry about me.. So, what's your news? Is it a good one? Please let it be a good one." She semi pleaded with the matching facial expression for emphasis.

"It is!!" All so suddenly Alice sat upright, taking Isabella's hand beaming at her "I'm getting married!"

"You're what?! Oh my golly, congratulations! When is it?? Ohhh Alice, what a wonderful news!"

"Well, I better speed up with the preparations before this' little peanut starts showing! Sorry I haven't told you, I wanted to see your pretty face contort in person!" And it did, Isabella can't keep her face from shock to bewildered to beaming with joy for her friend.

They chat away about each other's life with Isabella strategically forgetting to mention anything about the recent events in her personal life. There won't be a need for that anyway because that might very well be the last time she'll see Freddie. Isabella stopped herself from getting emotional on that possibility. She didn't want things to end like this between them.

She had to keep her focus to what Alice was saying which was a real task. But she can't walk around as if to cry at whatever or everyone will start asking. And that is the last thing she needs. If she can learn to conceal the slight bruising on her cheeks and put matted lipstick on her cut lip then she can keep her emotions intact. Thank goodness she hadn't disposed of Elizabeth's make up.


Freddie went back to Isabella's flat that night after circling it with Mike all morning. He asked Mike to go down and check inside the café (again) and library to be certain she isn't there or hadn't been. There was no luck to be had, she was really gone, and he, was left out in the cold.

Shit! I should not have gone to her last night!! It's because of that bugger Pete! Ohh.. Isabella, please come back..

He sobs at the back of the car, unaffected by Mike's presence. Right now, he just doesn't give a shit what anybody thinks!

Back at his place, Freddie drank while banging away at his grand piano playing song after song he knows how. Classical, Rock, Blues, Jazz.. until he went to the familiar keys of his song in progress..

He delved into it in hysteria! Inspiration hitting from alcohol or desperation he doesn't know and doesn't care! He needed something to battle the crazy thoughts eating at him. His anger, his fear, unimaginable regret, foolishness... Jealousy? Fuck! This is mad! I've gone mad of a girl of all things!!

He was there at his piano for hours on end till the early morning sun spill in the middle of the mess he made the day before. House very much still a disaster.

She'll be here in a moment, she will be because she told me she'll see me Sunday. For sure she will come and we'll be all right.

He walks to the sofa chair most accessible from the door, rehearsing his lines in his head.

I'll just be here and she'll forgive me if I say it right and we'll be friends again and she'll move in with me. Right, it'll be ok, she must be on her way for sure.

Before he knew it, the sun had gone and still no Isabella to forgive him. He had been distracting himself with piano playing far too long and drowsing to sleep but a wink until he's had it with waiting. She must be at home expecting for him to appear instead.

That must be it! I'm silly thinking she'll come here for my apology. Why would I be so dense to think that? I've to go to her of course. "Mike!! Get the car ready, we have to go quick!"

Out Mike and Freddie went do the same pattern they had been doing since early morning the day before. Mike knows what to expect but decided against saying anything to Freddie. With a sigh of defeat, he drove an anxious Freddie back to all the same places. When will this stop, he'll never know.

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