38. Baby Trouble

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Isabella in a cotton robe fresh from the shower, is now preparing the table for breakfast when she heard soft moans from the room. She walked to the doorway and called out for Alice.

"Ali? You up dear?"

"Belle, please.. help.."

Her eyes widened behind her glasses as she rushed beside Alice who is in fetal position, obviously in so much pain.

"Um! I, I will call a cab Ali, just lie still!"

Isabella ran to her room to change clothes, putting whatever she pulled from the closet, grabbed her loafers since she doesn't have time to tie shoelaces and sprint out to hail a taxi. In her rush, she forgot to comb her hair or check herself in the mirror.

A few minutes passed and she was back in the flat with the taxi driver in tow.

"Please mister, please help her. We need to go to the nearest hospital." Isabella said to the driver who was now carrying Alice to the taxi. Isabella locked the front door and jumped to the backseat to cradle Alice as they speed off. 

It was an agonizing 20 minutes before they reached the hospital, all the while Isabella was praying hard for the baby and Alice to be all right.


The good thing about the telephone is that the other party doesn't know who's on the other line until you introduce yourself, in which case you could always use another name.

"Hello, London Public Library Assistance Desk, Linda speaking. How may I help you?"

"Good morning, may I speak to Ms.Isabella Collins, please?"

"May I know who's on the line?"

"Of course, this is Alfred Mason speaking." Darn it, she doesn't know my tour alias. Hope she'll still take the call.

"I'm sorry Mr.Mason, Ms.Collins hasn't gone to work since last week. Should I pass her your message as soon as she's back?"

"Oh, she's not in today?"

"I'm afraid not, sir."

"Let me just call another time then, thank you dear."

"Have a great day Mr.Mason. If I may say, you've such a lovely voice."

"Why thank yo.." before Freddie finished talking, Roger shouts from the door, poking his head inside, "Freddie, you coming?"

"Goodbye dear." Freddie puts the receiver down just as the lady on the other line was starting to react.

"Yeah, hold on a sec." Freddie went outside the studio and inside the car where the other three boys are already seated. Although they have their own cars, they sometimes travel in one vehicle when going for a short ride. She's not at work again? What happened? He was getting a little worried when John interrupted his thoughts.

"You ready for the interview, Freddie?"

"Just want to get it over with, Deaky. We all do for sure."

"Yeah, Reid is keeping our schedule tight with all these extra stuff." Roger spoke from behind the wheel.

"It's good if he could lay low on the interview bit specially since we've agreed to these four additional shows. If not for the fans, I could definitely do with more rest." Brian comments while slightly massaging his temples with closed eyes.

"Let's just focus on getting it done and then enjoy our time off after. Bloody traffic, it's annoying!" Freddie spoke softly before getting upset with the road situation.


Isabella was seated on the chair beside Alice's bed waiting for her to wake up. They gave her some medicine to ease the pain which caused her to get drowsy. The doctor who assisted them had informed Isabella that everything was fine but they must keep Alice and the baby under observation for another 48 hours to be sure her pregnancy is safe. She found out that Alice is 11 weeks along and was told it's a very crucial time since Alice is not past the 1st trimester yet.

"Hey there, how are you feeling?" She leaned closer to the bed and held Alice's hand when she opened her eyes.

"Belle, how is the baby? Please tell me everything is okey." Tears well on her friend's eyes.

"Oh... don't cry Ali, the doctor said you are both fine. Our little angel is safe." Alice sobbed hard as relief flood her heart. Tears also fell from Isabella's eyes as she try to soothe her friend.

After a moment when they were both composed, Isabella relayed what the doctor told her. She also asked Alice if she could contact her fiancé to inform him on what happened. Isabella called from the nurse's station and went back to Alice's room after.

It's past 6pm when she left the hospital to get a night bag. Alice was insisting Isabella should stay home and see her the next day instead. But Isabella won't budge. It's enough she took part on that silly night out and can't rest without knowing both her friend and the little bean are completely out of trouble.


"Mike, would you mind passing by at Isabella's please. I'm a little worried, she has a friend staying over at the moment."

Mike smiled with a nod and steer the car from the studio to the house which he seem to drive to often these days. 

Since it's still a bit early and people are about on the streets, Freddie asked Mike to check the flat for him.

"There seems to be nobody home, Mr.Mercury. I've knocked several times and it's pretty quiet too."

Freddie nods as he checks the time. It's just 6:33pm. She must have gone out with her friend. They parked across the street where he could see the front door. About 15 minutes passed when a boy arrived. He was holding a bouquet of flowers on his left hand as his right knocks to the door.

Who the hell is that?

With no answer from the door, the boy stopped. But instead of leaving he stayed standing by the sidewalk, looking at his watch ever so often with the bouquet still in his hand.

Freddie was about to tell Mike to drive back to his place when he saw Isabella approaching from the corner. His eyes bulged when he saw what she was wearing. It was a white cotton wrap around shirt with a bit of frills on the edges and her cleavage the first time he ever saw exposed!

Why that little brat! He's not going out with my doll in that thing!

Before he could go out the car though, a police man tapped Mike's window.

"Excuse me sir, this is a no parking zone. May I have your license please."

Shit! Freddie scooted behind discreetly trying to draw as little attention to him as possible. They will for sure put this in the tabloids first thing in the morning if someone ever finds out.

"Oh, I'm so sorry officer. I was having a bit of palpitations earlier and had stop for a moment before I hit anything. Let me just get my license."

"Palpitations? Are you feeling all right sir? Do you need an escort to the hospital?"

"I'm much better now, thank you. No need for the hospital. I just needed a moment to get my bearings before I head back to London traffic. Here is my license, my apologies again."

"I'll just make this one as a warning. Please do take care as you drive."

"Thank you officer! I will for sure. Have a good evening."

Mike then closed the window and started the engine. As he was maneuvering the car, Isabella stepped out with the boy who's now carrying a small bag.

Freddie although relieved from narrowly escaping authority is now more agitated than a 5 year old who won't sit still on a dental chair.

"Mike you deserve an award for that bit of superb acting. Now, don't let those two out of sight!" Mike almost rolled his eyes at his boss, he could really go from one emotion to the next in one sentence.

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