42. A Trip to the Shops

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Isabella awoke to the smell of home cooking that use to greet her on weekends when Elizabeth was still here.

Her talk with Alice late last night which extended well into the early morning was heavy in emotions and tears. With both of them going back and forth on the 'what if's' for Alice's side and the 'not happening' on hers, Isabella still had more tears to shed when left to herself after.

She must have fallen asleep from exhaustion, fighting inner demons is not so easy when you're the one who will suffer the blow after.

She walked out to the kitchen with red rimmed eyes and stuffy nose.

"There you are! Come, I've made you one of your favorites."

"Ali, you shouldn't have. Last night was already too much trouble on you and the babe."

"Nope! We are here for you and don't say it's trouble because what girl doesn't need her side chick! Or wing girl? Was that how they use the term? Point is, I don't want you dealing with all your issues just by yourself cause you don't have to, ok miss? Now, eat well and then take a shower. You will absolutely feel better right away!"

Alice placed a slice of Shepherd's Pie on Isabella's plate and kissed the top of her head with a loud smack after.

"Don't spoil me too much Aliii, I might fall apart without you!" Isabella wiggled like a child looking with big eyes to her friend.

"Oh I know you're a tough cookie, love! You can handle them all! Say, who could resist that face? Not me! You just have to learn to use what's in the arsenal to your advantage." Alice finished with a wink.

"I've enough trouble to deal with thank you very much and nope, not going to indulge myself with the other gender's attention." And she digs on her food, trying to enjoy it as much as her broken heart would allow.


Freddie wrinkles his nose feeling wet kisses on his face. He opens his left eye slightly to take a peak and grunted, "Jerry, you're not suppose to lick my face remember? Hmm.."

Freddie gently moved his kitty from lapping up his face and sat down. Checking the clock as he stroke Jerry's fur, he moans at the time. It's already 11am and he hasn't started his day yet.

He got up with eyes unable to keep open willing himself to prepare for shower. Freddie very rarely wakes up after 9am and only when jetlagged or sick. Last night though was an extended session of bickering and at the same time jousting that lasted until almost dawn.

He actually considered waiting till it's a godly enough hour to get breakfast at Isabella's flat.

The only reason he did not was due to John offering to drive him home and Deaky, for all his shy demeanor could pin it down so easily when some has an issue concerning matters of the heart. There's no use denying it to him. Right now, Freddie couldn't let that happen until he's sure himself what his problem was.

Come to think of it, why on Earth would he want to grab breakfast with Isabella as his first thought?

Dammit! Why the hell does it matter? I can get breakfast anywhere I fucking want! With who I bloody hell want! He hissed at himself, irritated at having so many questions he can't answer.

Someone who knows him well enough though would laugh at the idea of him giving a fit over breakfast. Aside from tea he doesn't really care too much on getting those carbs that ruins the figure.

He took his time to shower before proceeding with his routine. He picks up the razor and immediately thought how shaving is a tedious task, a daily exercise in futility. Cause why do I have so much bloody hair?! And everywhere?! 

He remembers the press making silly commentaries about him putting a wig on his chest for show during their early days. Freddie couldn't help smirk in the mirror for how crazy the press were.

Finally done, he studies his close shave in the mirror. He noticed then that his hair had gotten really long, curling in every direction.

Hmm, better get a haircut. Maybe Isabella knows how to? She's lots of tricks in her belt.

Freddie smiled to himself now with a reason to visit his dolly.


"You take care, you. I will miss you Ali."

"Now remember what I told you ok? If you need to go somewhere, you run to me. Don't think twice. I will see you at the wedding ok, love?"

"You bet you will. Don't let that little peanut go hungry."

The two friends hug tight before Alice and her fiancé went their way. She had informed Isabella they decided to do the wedding the next weekend because there is really no reason to wait longer.

Alone in her flat, Isabella went about to do some errands one of which is to send her letter to Freddie by post. That is the best thing to go about it she decided.

She will stock up on her groceries for the week and go to church. Her devotion is very personal to her so she does not often talk about it or share it with others.

After finishing with the grocery, she remembers that today is Pete's birthday party. She doesn't have something to do for the evening and will be alone in the flat anyway might as well go, she thought.

Isabella has no idea what to get him so maybe a trip to the men's store is necessary. She was walking along the streets where more specialized shops are located when someone honks a car horn.

At first she didn't pay attention to it until the honking became more insistent. She looked to check if there was trouble in the road only to see a few cars away was Roger Taylor waving wildly at her from outside his driver seat window!

She was frozen to the sidewalk. Some people looking at her with annoyance as they pass while she blocked the way.

Is running now a good idea? God, why? Why?

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