56. Heading Back for the Wedding

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Unable to sit through her none response, Freddie felt uneasy and needed a distraction from her silence. He stood up in a swift motion startling the poor girl a little.

"Well, I better get Mike so we could head on. Get yourself comfortable while I go upstairs just quick."

He walked hurriedly back to the hall while Isabella sat silently by the piano stool. She was still trying to work out convincing herself to keep steady. Not let his sweet words and hypnotizing eyes get to her. He for sure knows the game too well and there is no point analyzing anything in hopes for his affection.

To do that is deadly, she of all should know how he casually goes in and out of sexual innuendos.

As a matter of straightening her thoughts, she did a physical shake of her head making it an affirmative 'NO' on getting further emotionally involved. It being one sided of course and her ending in tears for sure.

Nope, can't walk in on that suicide mission.

In his room upstairs, Freddie slumped to his bed, sitting hunched back. His hands covered his eyes while his elbows rest on his lap.

"Why the fuck is she so distant?! So silent.." He leans back his head with eyes closed before standing up and pacing. "She heard the lyrics, it can't be more clearer than that?! Unless she's some sort of daft or.." He suddenly stopped pacing as he caught his reflection in the mirror.

His face staring back at him, his brows knitting in displeasure. "Unless she doesn't want me that way.. cause why would she with this face, this-this thing!?" With hurt in his eyes he turned his gaze away and sat back on his bed angrily.

"Maybe she likes Roger cause he's the obvious choice!?! Or whoever else it was trying to get her attention!"

He felt his insecurities creeping in.

"But not me. She doesn't want to have me. She won't even look at me properly.." He whispered to himself.

He was so absorbed in a bitter self judgement that he was startled at her voice calling to him from downstairs.

"Freddie? Uhmm, I will head out now. Just um enjoy your Sunday, ok?"

Her voice was sweet but full of uncertainty, almost cracking at the effort of ensuring it's loud and clear enough.

He felt panicked. She will just go again and it'll be over before it begins. He wanted to have a chance at her affection and not just her kindness like some charity case.

"No! Uhm, I'm coming, you just wait a second dear!" He was pointing erratically at his extensive wardrobe trying to decide which one to pick before quickly grabbing a jacket. He almost skidded out but went back and splashed some cologne to give his ego a boost before running down the stairs. 

He opened the night bag from last night. The one he discarded by the hall upon arriving earlier and took out a parcel. He slipped it in his breast pocket, tapping it safe over his coat.

He took all the props he discarded on top of the grand piano and grabbed Isabella's hand with authority, looking her straight in the eye.

"Now, let's go." And then the infamous 'wink'

Isabella was speechless as she let him lead her to the car waiting outside his flat. In between his sort of confession and running up the stairs she was pretty sure it was the shy Freddie she was with. But now, this is definitely the front man Freddie holding her hand tight.

She had known how to handle the shy Freddie, he was who she was most comfortable with. That is when she felt most equal to him, as if she deserves his attention. Like a boy unsure of himself much like how she is.

She's also been confronted by the aggressive Freddie who had blood in his eyes and goes for the kill at anyone's expense. She feared him that way, he is so far from the boy who can do no harm to anyone.

The romantic and playful Freddie also did appear a few times. When he gives you smoldering eyes and singing you songs full of affectionate lyrics only meant to sway you. That one is a true Valentino. And of course he could kiss you senseless when he wills himself to do so.

But the flamboyant and front man Freddie she very seldomly encounter at a personal level. She had recognized he kept that persona on stage when he needed to project to the crowd. Yet now, it feels this Freddie is that master crowd crooner. He can control you and make you swoon the whole time, following his every word until the show is over and he leaves you wanting more.

She was hesitant to go inside the car after he opened the backseat door for her. She glanced at him as he looked at her with unreadable facial expression. She felt worried, worried how the long ride will turn out. With him suddenly in this unusual mood.

"Go on dear, we can't start unless you go inside." He half smiles at her, his voice a little more commanding in tone. And somehow it feels like he was towering on her.

With an inward chant (It's going to be okey, it's going to be ok) she stepped inside and sat to the far side, right next to the window.

She hugged her backpack to her chest as if to protect herself.

Freddie instructed Mike as he steps in and stares at her after. He was all confidence and cool demeanor while he half smiles revealing his dimples.

"Soo, any song requests for the radio? It's a long ride doll."

She shook her head offering a little smile to pretend she's cool too.

"You'll get cramps sitting so stiff all the way there, you could scoot closer you know. I won't bite." He jokes around flashing her a smile, eyes sparkling with mirth.

"Oh, I'm okey.. thank you though."

There she goes again with that distant fucking retort.

"In that case, I'll make use of the full space then. I hope you don't mind?"

She doesn't really understand what he meant but gave the fastest most polite answer she could give.

"No, not at all. Please make yourself as comfortable as you like." She smiled at him nervously.

He knew she'll say that God awful accommodating little sentence! And he has a ready answer back.

"If you say so dear, let me just get this out of the way_" he grabbed her back pack and put it on the floor before lying his head on her lap. The back of his head nestled right below her soft mound fitting perfectly well.

She stiffened and gasped at his outright claim on her lap and felt dangerously nervous with where his head is resting.

"This is perfect, it's a long ride and I want to be 'as comfortable as possible'." He smiled at her sweetly while he looked up to her undeniably worried face.

Let's see how polite and distant you can get yourself from me now, little miss proper.

He closed his eyes all snuggled and relaxed while Isabella struggled with where she could even put her hands without touching him!

This is yet another very tricky situation.

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