55. The Millionaire Waltz

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Both Freddie and Isabella ate breakfast in a hurry after using most of the morning with their little haircutting charade.

Since Freddie hadn't instructed Mike to pick him up, he told Isabella they better go together at his flat to get him. She's entirely unsure what will happen if he comes along to the wedding but she's careful not to upset him having just made a mess of his hair.

As Isabella was getting her things ready from her bedroom, Freddie saw the newspaper with circled adverts on the classified ads. He looked at it oddly. He lifted the folded paper and an envelope fell to the floor. Seeing the Library's crest and her name at the center, he bent over and picked it up. He shouldn't pry with her personal correspondence but he was curious, he can't help the thing is begging to be read.

He glanced at the bedroom door as he saw it about to open prompting him to put his hand behind, the envelope held securely with it.

"Are you done dear?" He smiled at her, sweetly.

"I guess I am, yes. Would you like to head out now?"

The way with which she will be able to keep as little attention to Freddie when they head out to the taxi stand has kept Isabella's mind in motion distracting her from getting any hints at the mischief in Freddie's eyes.

Freddie on the other hand was pretty pre occupied at getting to read her letter that he hadn't really thought about how he could snuck out without anyone noticing.

"Umm, Freddie why don't I get us a cab and just wait here while I do? What with all the Sunday strollers, someone's bound to notice you.."

"Nonsense dear, if Roger can go about shopping around with you without anyone bothering I think I should get the same treatment from everyone else, wouldn't you think so?"

He flicked his hair only remembering the damage done having felt how thin the remaining hair he has at shoulder-length. He rolled his eyes before putting his hands on his waist trying to appear confident, only now sporting a silly hairdo.

"And how did Roger actually manage that, darling? I mean, the boy is a walking teenage dream for all I can admit privately!"

A mental image of Roger in his little disguise flashed before her and she couldn't suppress a giggle! Freddie in a mustache? Well, that, is something to see!

She couldn't imagine this posh baby boy will ever get to carry facial hair without looking awkward or funny.

"Actually, if you care to tell the story than going red trying to keep from barfing I'd really much prefer that. Although you do look cute hiding that giggle."

Oh, he's smooth like that.

"Well, uhh, he sort of have a ready disguise really. He, used a fake mustache and a hat to distract attention away from his trademark golden locks. Of course there's the sunglasses, yep pretty effective."

"Oh did he,now? What a clever little drummer. I can see how that works. Ok, I'm in for that! Let's put me in a mustache then darling!" He clapped with a wide grin, ever excited at trying something ridiculous and fun.

Now it's her turn to look silly. She couldn't believe he'd really risk it going out looking absurd hoping to not stand out in the crowd! He is asking for too much this time, she is no witch that can cast a spell!

"Do it darling, get those hair you hurriedly chopped unkindly from my head and put it on my face."

But that wouldn't work!? How can she put loose hair together and make it look natural facial hair? And besides, she was inwardly defending herself from his other remark. She was very nervous and she isn't a hairdresser!

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