68. Dropping by the Studio

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August 29, 1976

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August 29, 1976

In 3 days the band will start their 4 day summer concert and they are busy perfecting the set list. Making last minute adjustments and all. The studio, a buzz with people going in and out.

Isabella had been busy with her own schedule and didn't have enough time to see Freddie more. Juggling work and classes plus the need to find where to live next is making her days long and full.

Luckyly, the instructor couldn't make it today so she decided to drop by and see how Freddie was doing.

His days needless to say are always packed and when he comes over to her place, the poor baby complains not getting enough cuddle time.

Would anyone think a hard rocker like Freddie could ever need attention from someone like her? Who is she to question that. 

With Freddie.
The sexiest most interesting boy she ever knew and desired.

At the back of her head lurks the fear she will not be sufficient - not enough because of her limitations and insecurities. Besides, she always heard it's hard to make any relationship work, what more to someone like him?

Yet surprisingly, not at all with Freddie.

He whines and pouts and could have extreme temper but other than that, he is an angel. And he is not as loud as he appears. She recalls he did say people tend to think him as the 'Pop Star Freddie' 24/7, not as a regular person who needs some quiet time too.

This is where the equilibrium differs for her and the rest. She is more acquainted with the shy and personal side of Freddie. The one that sits on the couch and chats animatedly over tea. The hardworking musician who pours over his time and himself to create masterpieces. The one who laughs at silly jokes but also the one who makes silly jokes.

And she cherish this side of him.

The highlight of her day? Cuddling up to him and playing with his hair. And....

Isabella was absorbed looking at Queen's posters hanging by the office walls while other things ran in her head, both her arms rested to her side.

Freddie smiled when he finally saw her. No back pack to get in the way? Hmm.. He quietly approached her from behind and hugged her tight with his arms across her shoulders, the weight gently rested on her chest. She yelped with the slight pressure this contact had, her breasts were feeling very tender from a pending period due any moment now.

Freddie was a bit surprised at her reaction and looked down to her face from the side."Why baby, what's wrong?"

She didn't know how to tell him that her breasts are tingly and sore. With her head bowed she told him with an almost whisper. " Umm, I.. I might have my period soon and.." She shifted on her legs a little, hunching her back slightly to ease from the contact.

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