87. Doctor Lily Bloom

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She sat at the uncushioned patient's chair in the doctors clinic. Waiting to be called inside while the doctor's assistant fill out the remaining details on her patient sheet.

On the wall opposite her were lined with certificates bestowing credit to the doctor that was assigned to see her today. She must be an old doctor then Isabella thought.

"Ms.Isabella? Hello, come inside please."

An attractive but a bit uptight looking doctor in what looks like her mid 30's poked her head casually and called for her. For a moment she hesitated, not exactly sure why.

Must be because there's no way she will not think you a fastidious slapper she groaned to herself dragging her promiscuous self to the examination room. Why oh why did the check up had to happen after her sexfest with Mr.Fahrenheit?

Suddenly she doesn't even want to dignify that question because the answer would not at all be helpful. Herself and she is all to blame for lack of control and lack of time and space  awareness. Quantum physics is to blame, she supposed. That's the ultimate reason,  the unhealthy imbalance that Mr.Mercury causes someone. There is definitely some excessive chemistry right there!

She sighed and led her attention back to the present. Isabella couldn't help draw her first impression of Dr.Bloom as someone who's efficient and confident. Her coifed hair was pulled to the back, just a dab of lipstick and tint on her cheeks and has a ready smile when she addressed her patient. Professional will fit her just right. Professional and beautiful. How nice to turn out to be like her someday.

"It's our first time to meet Ms.Isabella. I'm doctor Bloom. Liliane Bloom. You can call me Doc Lily." Lily smiled warmly and rolled her eyes as she does an offhanded gesture in reference to her 'flowery name'. "I know, my parents thought it cute somehow, naming me as such. I guess that's better than if they named me a shrub. Our garden must have inspired them more than it should. Anyway, back to what's actually important. How are you feeling today dear?"

Her name fits her perfectly, Isabella giggled back. She seems so nice too.

"It's nice to meet you doc Lily. I'm quite alright ma'am." She smiled at the doctor with one of her dimpled ones.

"I'm glad to hear that. Hmm, let's see.. well based on the checklist from your school I just need to perform the basic routine check up. This one's for you, for the students, since many young adults seem to lack in funds to look after themselves enough to seek help from a doctor until it's too late. You can ask me anything as we go along the check up."

The way she explained it made Isabella feel comfortable but also a bit self conscious. What does she mean by seek help and too late?

"Also, you don't need to worry about your privacy. I give you my word that my oath does not take leave when I go out of the clinic. What you tell me is just between us two."

Lily's gentle smile was enough to dispell the feeling of aloofness one has at meeting someone for the first time. Pausing everytime she anticipates a possible question from Belle before she continues."Let's proceed then?"

After several questions about her medical history and explaining the process to her, Dr.Bloom proceeded to examine Isabella, ticking and noting on her info sheet as they move along.

The last part Isabella was assisted to lie on her back and raise her legs. Fairly enough this portion is to be expected but she tensed the minute the doctor examined her private area. Having never been sexually active before and being too young as well, this was the first time a doctor examined her there.

She almost choked on the image of Freddie that popped into her head. He definitely was able to take a good look in that region among other highly censorious things. Oh lord, please not now she reprimanded herself.

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