18. You Have to Choose One

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Recovered from their hysteria, all four decided to wrap it up. It's just a little past 7pm and still pretty early by the boys' standard specially for Freddie.

"Would you like to grab some dinner? My driver just returned from leave and he can bring us anywhere." Freddie offers.

"I'm not so hungry and there's still food at home so.." she explains.

"Yes I know your umm home cooking is delicious doll, but since we're outside I was thinking you know like, a meal won't be so bad." He shrugs.

After thinking it over she gave in. "I guess I could grab a bite." She agrees and besides she still needs to find out what happened in the morning that upset him.

"That's more I like it, Mike will be here any minute." She's met Mike a few times, he's been driving for Freddie longer than she's worked for him and he's as reliable as a clockwork.

True to character, Mike pulls over in a few and was instructed by Freddie to go to his favorite Italian restaurant. Mike of course already knew where that was.

"Sooo" he starts as the car pulls away, "The pastries were really good. Uhmm, sorry for the boys acting silly, those idiots! But uhmm, they mean well."

"Of course, you all looked adorable really." Smiling at the memory of them earlier.

"Really?"  Freddie nudging her shoulder with his. "You think us adorable? Surely you must favor one boy better than the other dear." He crooned at her.

"Pray tell, who's your favorite member from the band?" He was lightly clapping his hands and smiling now without covering his grin. He looks adorable.

Caught in a dilemma, Isabella wanted to exit the speeding car more than let him know she's been secretly yearning him.

He was waiting for her answer intently. "Well, if I have to choose one... I think... You know I see all of you are talented and therefore.."

He cuts her "Nooo, that's not how it works doll. You must choose one. "

What to do? She nervously fidgets.. she better think fast and not lie too. Well, if it were on a practical choice, John makes the most sense. He's very shy just like her. He's a committed partner as far as she knows from the articles and such a wonderful dad too. It doesn't hurt that he's cute as well.

She could think of many good qualities too between Roger and Brian but she's running out of time and must answer Freddie who's eyes are boring down on her.

"Dear, who is it? Spill it don't be shy." Freddie was playfully poking her arm.

With her head bowed, she's now committed to her choice "It's John, he's _"

"Wait, What?!! You certain? I mean John is good with his bass but lyric wise I mean.. he sort off.. depends on me for, well mostly, I ..."

"I like his character, he's very dependable. Very husband material if I may say so. And also cute."

"Well sorry for you dear, he's taken thank you very much" Freddie scoffs. Not even bothering to look at her now. Murmuring to himself he can't compete with John if it's the cute department but try gorgeous and none of those three stand a chance against him!

Wait a second, she's loosing ground again. How could she even keep up?

To concede as it's not good to lie anyway, she added "but if I have to choose choose, you're my top choice." He snapped his neck towards her blinking rapidly, weighing if she's making jabs at him.

He then smiles shyly "You mean that, darling?"

"Of course. You, every time." She added.

He was looking at her so warmly her heart started jamming in her chest! Every damn time he does that, her heart flutters wild she wouldn't be shocked her chest cavities are surely now damaged!

The car then stops and Mike let them know they've arrived at the restaurant.

That's a save in my book, she thought to herself.

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