89. Least You Forget

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Well, as far as Isabella is concerned several days without Freddie is not in the least bit pleasant nor easy to endure. But with the additional 2 days, it's like a life sentence.

And what was her crime? Convicted as a certified Freddie addict that is! Utterly and fully a devotee of his and truthfully there's nothing she can do about it. Goodness, if she doesn't monitor herself, she'll be as dramatic as he is. Blast it!

Sleeping without him snuggled to her makes it feel almost as though a part of her body is missing. It's also hard to ignore the feminine needs that come with being intimately aquatinted to his lovemaking. God, those lazy hands that caress her under the sheets just when dawn's about to break and his bedroom whimpers (that she will record one of these days for her own listening pleasure) are the ones she likes best waking up to in the morning. Or in the middle of the night when it calls for more than caressing. Somehow, since his 'services' had always been available and offered, she hadn't given it much thought. But after days on end of no Freddie, she was growing restless.

Somehow she simply had to suck it up and get on with the day. She was the one who insisted the need to finish this course and by god will she deliver. No use sulking cause no amount of it will give her the satisfying spark to her day a kiss by Freddie would.

She groaned seeing how much she had gone down the love pit! An entire life without a boy; without Freddie and now not even a week free of him and here she is barely coping. "Woman! You need to get out of this stupor and get on with the day!" She scolded herself in front of the mirror, hands stilled midway from drying her hair before continuing again with the mechanical motions as one goes about after a bath.

Last night's phone call with Freddie didn't do as well as it could have. Of course he was upset at the change in her schedule but it could have been less saddening if he were only less curt and not in such a hurry to put the phone down. She had over a minute more to use the phone but Freddie, she would consider by the dismissive 'I have to go' excuse, ungallantly hanged up on her.

Maybe he didn't care that she waited long and patiently at the dorm's phone line for her turn to use the phone like all the other girls. A full 5 minutes to say how much she missed him and ask how he had been or if he missed her and tell him how hard it was for her to sleep without him. Oh and yeah, that too, to say about the additional 2 day extension which she detest completely but Freddie couldn't wait to end their call it seems. He didn't shout, no. He simply did not say I love you which is almost the same thing as being angry only definitly more biting she'd say. Besides, he was just.. distant.

Enough! The day will be long as it is already, no need to remind herself how dismissive Freddie had been. She sighed, buttoning her shapeless shirt where the apron will rest over for most of the day. But tomorrow she will go home to him and it will all be better again. She just has to do her best today. Even when feeling in a slump she must nail this course.

With a final look on the mirror, she secured her hair with a black ribbon and went on her way to the main hall.

Maybe it was her determined resignation which made the whole tiring day pass smoothly without a hitch. Or a life led in compartmentalized efficiency could also have helped : sad + lonely are for later , finish the task is for now. All in all, a good feat for someone lacking the drive.

The last activity for the day which she would skip if the option was available was to sit in and enjoy a celebratory dinner for all of the students.

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