47. Mike and Freddie

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After a few drinks and a lot of talk, Freddie and David went their separate ways. The first thought Freddie had was of course to drop by at Isabella's place. It was only 7:30pm and she would surely be home by now. Maybe they could have dinner and who knows what else after.

Although he is giving what David said a more serious thought, he still can't deny he enjoys the company of Isabella. She's very easy to talk to and there is not a mean bone to her. Plus he still need his haircut and she might be able to help with that.

So what if I want to hang out with her? That doesn't mean I'll be breaking her heart after. He was given to these defensive thinking more and more.

The streets were not so busy and no one seem to be giving much attention. Besides, he's really excited to see his doll! So instead of asking Mike to knock, Freddie went down and did so himself.

At first he called to her sweetly but with no one answering the door, he made it a more louder one. A little bit angry at this time, he can't believe Isabella is yet again not home to answer his knocking.

Where has she been going? Has she got a boyfriend?... No, no, no! My doll's not taken, I know that! No boy's good enough for her! 

He went back inside his car and told Mike to go the nearest bar. He hasn't had much to drink earlier and he can go the whole night if he wants to. He will wait till she's back and have that talk he needed!

There wasn't any decent bar nearby and he ended up in a small pub where young people hang out. He doesn't want Mike to wait in the car so he asked him to join while he drinks. He prefers to be with someone when outside.

Sitting across from each other in the corner table where the lights are dim, they went about and got more acquainted for the first time. He found out that Mike is married and have kids. He used to be a security officer before getting injured which caused his wife to prevent him from going back that line of work. He's been married for 10 years now and said that is the best decision he made in his life. It gave him the piece of mind that he needed.

Freddie got curious with his answer. He saw it from his parents, a long and happy marriage. But isn't that a boring life where two people just stick together out of routine? Mike explained he had many relationships in the past but the one he has with his wife is leaps and bounds better. It's the completeness you feel inside and the desire to care for someone other than your own.

Freddie got himself thinking. Of course he doesn't want to get married now but that's what he desires to have. A loving committed relationship where he wouldn't have to wonder if he's making the right choice. Maybe he's so far out from that, who knows what else he must deal with in his life in order to get that; if he even get to have that.

He sighed to himself, thoughts trailing to Isabella. She on the other hand would make a man so happy. She has all it takes to make a happy home. And she deserves it. No one should mess around with her, not even him. But he just wants a little bit of that with her, is that asking for too much? He feels so good sleeping next to her, even with barely touching her. Everytime he sees her, he wants to cuddle her and do so much much more. And he can't let himself imagine when someone else would get to do that to her. Why does it have to be complicated?

At around quarter past 10pm, Mike offered to check if Isabella is now back at her place. Instead of taking the car, he told Freddie he'd better go for a walk to clear his head from the alcohol. Freddie agreed knowing it'll only take 15 minutes or so by foot from the pub.

Just as Mike headed out, a guy approached Freddie's table. Notoriously shy when alone, Freddie just looked the man who was now casually engaging him with small talk. Turns out the guy is a big fan of the band and him in particular. He went on and on with how much he loves their music and his style.

Just as the guy was getting a little personal, Mike arrived. But his news didn't please Freddie. Apparently the little miss is still out on the streets at this time. What Mike didn't know was how narrowly he missed Brian dropping of Isabella from the studio.

It must be the alcohol that caused it or the irritation at knowing Isabella was out possibly on a date with someone when Freddie decided to leave the bar with the stranger. He told Mike to get going and he'll take the cab instead, headed to where, he doesn't know or care.

Mike looked at Freddie and nodded before glancing at the guy who has stars in his eyes, seated across from his boss barely keeping it together staring at the Rock Star.

He walked away from the scene with a heavy heart. They had a good talk earlier and thought he might have left him a good message about relationships and such. But he's not your regular guy after all, his feathers are more colorful than the rest of us.


Isabella slept through the night like a baby, thanks to Freddie's shirt she hadn't felt so lonely without him.

It's Monday and another week to face. On the weekend she would go back to the convent where Alice's wedding is to take place. At least she has something to look forward to.

In the meantime, she got herself ready for work. She hasn't taken a leave this long, 12 days in total. And barely able to inform her boss ahead of time due to the disruption that's happened in her life recently.

She went to the Library early, hoping to talk to her boss before her shift starts.

She arrived an hour early, her workmates welcoming her back warmly. Not a few minutes passed, she was asked to proceed at the office of the Head Librarian.

They greeted each other and exchanged some pleasantries before her boss went to explain to her the current situation the library is in. Months ago, she was tasked to let go some library personnel, particularly those who were on part time. Government funding is being cut short and so as the boss, she doesn't get much choice but cut down on the workforce. Of course with the laying off comes the benefit of keeping the staff housing which is the flat. She was handed an envelope with the notice of eviction as well as her final pay. It was supposed to be issued to her sooner but her long absence cut the 1 month grace period to half. That leaves her roughly 2 weeks from now to get everything sorted.

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