6. Mickey Mouse

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Isabella, after having been released from the hug and now uncontrollably blushing, held her cheeks in an attempt to hide the pink flush and excused herself for a moment muttering she'll get him some things from the next room.

Dashing to her sister's bedroom she unintentionally slammed the door and shouted "SORRY!" She momentarily lost control of her limbs to even manage and close the door gently.

"That's alright dear, no worries." Freddie called back to her trying to recover from going deaf.

She had to sit still on the bed to focus. A few seconds later Isabella jerked to a stand remembering she needs to bring something out as an excuse for why she ran to the room!

She took a towel and soft slippers and a new bar of soap which she and her sister made. She also took an old shirt of his brother-in-law which she still haven't disposed of. After inspecting it, she thought that'll do and went by the door before turning back to grab an extra toothbrush. Sighing slowly with closed eyes before opening it again, she steps out this mantra in her head: just keep calm, just keep calm.

She went to Freddie and handed over the items, on her face an unnaturally stiff smile. "Uhmm, have you had dinner? I could heat up some soup for you and boil water for tea while you freshen up in the, uhmm the, toilet is over there."

Freddie, while picking up the items noticed her funny expression. Is she okey? He was thinking to himself before telling Isabella to please not bother and settle back on her beauty sleep before he came disturbing her peace. "Dear, thank you for asking you're so thoughtful. I'll be heading to the loo and be quick, I promise. Please, please go back to sleep."

As soon as he's out of sight, she brought out some lemon squares and tea just in case he feels like having snack.

Midway her tea making, she dashed to her room so quick remembering there were actually a few posters of HIM and some of the band and wouldn't want to creep him out in CASE he somehow stumbles to her room. Not that he would of course but better sure than further embarrass myself she thought.

Going back to the living room, Isabella was debating with herself if she should stay up wait for him or crawl back to her bed when Freddie suddenly reappears from the toilet.

"Belle, thank you for the shirt but I might stick to mine cause uhmm, it's a tad too big dear." Smiling awkwardly before continuing to say; "and besides your boyfriend might get upset with me borrowing his shirt."

As casual as that comment is, Isabella went scarlet and went to her room instead. "Waaait" Freddie tried to stop her and thought to himself "What did I do now? You idiot blubber mouth, just won't stop messing about won't you?"

He knocked softly at the door slightly ajar and peeked "Isabella, dear, I'm sorry.. I was just trying to tease you I might have stepped on a line.. ohh.." He saw her frantically rummaging her small drawer and slowly stepped inside starling her a bit with his nearness. Immediately her thought was...

"Thank God the posters are gone!"

She completely forgot her brother-in-law is a bear of a man, "I'm sorry about the shirt, it's actually my brother-in-law's and I didn't realize it was.." and he cuts her mid sentence while holding her hands "Heyyy, it's me who should be apologizing. Please you don't ha.."

Isabella then interjects, "You see uhmm, I think I have some new ones here which might fit you and.." He can't have her stressing out for him when he's the one asking her a favor "Okey, but dear, any shirt will do. Really.."

Freddie then randomly picks a shirt and holds it up, "What about this?" all the while smiling at her while modeling the shirt in front of him.

"Ohhh, umm if you don't mind wearing a silly print as Mickey Mouse." Isabella can't help but giggle while she covers her lips, she can't picture Freddie other than in satin shirts or other rocker outfit.

"Well, if it makes you happy then I'm all for it. Besides I look good in most things, don't you agree?" Freddie smirks with a whimsical look in his eyes, leaning to her face for emphasis. Finally the tension is lifted and she's slightly more at ease with him being here. I am definitely dreaming, Isabella thought while she stared back at Freddie's warm chocolate brown eyes dreamily.

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