91. Be My Guest

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The shared excitement between close friends is a very endearing scene, especially between girls. Hand holding, whisper giggling over nothing, a hug and the occasional cuddle. This special bond among sisterhood cliques' is usually the very core of friendship among ladies at all and any stage of their lives. Thus, momentous life events reinforce more the need of female company.

To Freddie however who was more than versed with the ways of the world, it was but damn irritating this toxic feeling of jealousy over an unknown girl is getting under his skin. That plus the fact he's practically being ignored right when they haven't seen each other for a fucking long time heightens the manic feeling all the more.

But he knows his girl, she adores him. HIM! And anyone else can suck his dick if they ever suggest otherwise! Actually no, that thing is exclusively for the pleasure of his darling doll so everyone fuck off starting with this nonsense! A little self assurance doesn't hurt anyone, he told himself. He is, he mentally pats himself, in fact very self assured that his girlfriend is his and his alone.

Still, Freddie being Freddie, couldn't help  scrutinize this girl Olivia when a sudden moment of comic absurdity hit him.

Honestly in a bit of a shock, he realized Olivia is a very near enough female version of himself! Only with perfect teeth, winged cat eyes and was blessed with gorgeous feminine cheeks to pair with those fuller smirky lips.

This is a trick! A bad joke that he doesn't want to be a part of!

The hugging and that kiss should better all be friendly or he sure as hell won't hold back his tongue!

Roger must have come to the same general conclusion as Freddie had and made himself useful by turning his charm to Olivia, leading her outside into the hallway with small talk and lots of animated smiles.


"So, she calls you 'Bee'? What's that, short for baby? Babe?"

"What? No! Bubs, it's short for 'Belle', like a really shorter version."

"Belle is already short enough. Do say darling, you let others treat you now like your girlfriends? Or is only when I'm not around?"

"Bubs" Isabella smiled just appreciating how gorgeous Freddie's skin is as she reached to playfully tap his nose. "We are girl-friends, literally two females who are good pals."

Freddie slanted her a look down the length of his perfect nose and paired with a defiantly stiff neck. "Oh? But she kissed you right in front of me." Then turn around and marched away appalled by the way his questions were being dismissed!

"Heyy bun-bun, you must know she was only taking Roger's challenge? Bubs! Wait, please. Olivia's the fun and exciting type and.." When she reached him and grabbed at his hand, Belle had to stand on his way to block him from taking a step further. "and she's been so helpful to me.. wait a second! Bubs? Are you _ Jealous?"

That snobbish, puffing, facially angled Freddie stance that refuse to even spare her a look told Isabella all she needed to know. She bit her lip to stop herself from giving in the urge to smile and looked teasingly at Freddie from under her lashes.

Freddie rather find her nonchalant behavior over an important discussion irritating and deserved to be shown just how vexed he is with her by giving her a well deserved ever famous eye roll.

"Whoaw golly! Baby, you are quite honestly jealous!"

"Well I have every right to be! Stop calling me sweet nothings when I'm obviously not that important to you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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