Weaponized Part 2

Start from the beginning

"No. That's the problem. I've been meaning to tell you, but I just hadn't found the right time. Malia is Peter Hale's daughter, not Mr. Tate's."

"Woah," I breathed, sinking back against the desk. "Does she know?"


"Double woah..."

"You can't let her find out."

"Well, she's going to event-."

"Stiles, Y/N? Scott asked me to come get you. Come quick," Mr. Yukimura said. As I tried to stand, my legs seemed to quit working, and Stiles caught me quickly, holding me up. I blinked up at him, and his eyes widened.

"Y/N, your eyes."

I snapped them closed, panting heavily as my icy hot skin pumped out sweat. "I can't-... Stiles, I can't stop it. Take me somewhere." I panted. "Now. Ta-take me to Scott. Take me to Scott!" He was practically dragging me out of the room, Mr. Yukimura in the lead. Kira and Malia saw and followed us as we went down into the locker room.

Yukimura locked the door behind us as Stiles set me down on the bench in front of Scott. I leaned back against the lockers, unable to hold myself upright. Stiles kept a hand on me, keeping me from falling this way or that.

Scott looked about as bad as I did, his eyes flashing between red and brown. I realized my claws were out again, and this time I didn't even try to force them back in. It felt like it had taken too much to try last time.

Malia frowned, and I looked up to see she was sweating, too. She lifted her clawed hands. "I can't make them go back."

"What's happening to us?" I panted weakly.

"Obviously, the virus is affecting you three in a way it won't hit a human being," Mr. Yukimura said. I frowned, hating that answer.

"You guys have to stay out of sight. We have to quarantine you from the quarantine," Stiles mumbled. I squinted up at him. He was wearing two jackets. Why was he wearing two jackets? It was so hot in here.

"Yeah, but where?" Kira asked. She was perfectly fine. Lucky bitch. "I mean, what if they get violent? Like on a full moon."

"We shouldn't stay in here," Scott said.

"A classroom is not gunna hold us," Malia shook her head.

I lifted my head, though it took a lot of effort I didn't have. "What about the vault? The Hale Vault?"

Scott's head whipped up, liking my idea. "The Hales always have an escape route. Like their house. There has to be a way in from here."

Yukimura went into the office and we followed him, though, admittedly I needed some help getting there. He unrolled a blueprint of the high school that came from somewhere in here, and Stiles instantly started spouting off information.

"This is where the school sign is, so the vault's gotta be right about here." Stiles circled an area on the map.

"I suppose if there's a second entrance, it would probably be accessible from the basement," Yukimura said as Malia wiped sweat from her body. I was just letting mine go at this point. How she managed to still look incredible made me jealous even through my foggy mind.

"It's probably somewhere in this hallway," Stiles said, pointing. "Or this corridor." As he took a step forward, he plummeted similar to the way I had. This time it was my turn to catch him. Luckily, I actually did catch him. When he stood, he seemed shell-shocked, his eyes wide as he blinked with confusion.

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