37- Last Times Ever

Start from the beginning

“What happened to the perfect Christmas? It snowed yesterday just for you, so everything outside is all perfectly white. Your family is all coming over today, and we’re going out for dinner with your friends, now you just need to smile.”

“I don’t want any presents,” she pouted.

I leaned over and kissed her. “Smile please?” I begged.


I kissed her again. “Now?” Her face wavered but she stayed strong.

“Please?” I said kissing her once again. She finally cracked, and her whole face lit up in a smile.

“You’re almost as impossible to say no to as that little thing there,” Danielle said pointing to the little thing in question. Abu leaped up onto her and licked her face happily. I guess he did get whatever he wanted.

I placed Abu on the bed and held out a hand for Danielle. She took it and stood up. We went past the living room where the Christmas tree was, into the kitchen to where her parents were.

“Merry Christmas,” Lilly said sipping her coffee.

“Merry Christmas,” Danielle repeated taking the glass of milk Greg held out to her. I shook my head when he offered me one.

“Let’s get this present thing over with,” she said with a huff. She had a slight milk mustache on her upper like. I smiled and kissed her, licking away the milk.

“Danielle! It’s Christmas! Smile!” Lilly chastised.

“Dan, do we have to go through this again?” I teased.

“You know I quite liked that. I wouldn’t mind it again,” she teased back. Greg raised his eyebrow at me.

“Come on! I can’t wait for you to open my present,” I said.

She glared at me. “You shouldn’t have spent money on me.”

“This time, I can honestly say it didn’t cost me a penny.”

Danielle nodded. “Wait does that mean you spent more than a penny on it, or you actually didn’t spend any money on it?”

I chuckled. “I didn’t spend any money at all on it.”

“Good.” I took Danielle’s hand and we went into the living room, her parents following behind us.

Danielle took down her stocking from the fireplace and began to unwrap the small presents inside. I was surprised that there was also one with my name on it. I tried not to accept it, but they wouldn’t let me try to give it back.

We both got just a bunch of chocolates and Scratch and Win tickets.

“We weren’t sure what to get you, but I hope you like this,” Greg said handing Danielle a brightly wrapped box.

Danielle opened it and she let out a gasp. “Oh this is so cool!” She said pulling out another box. It took me a moment to realize that is was an electronic picture frame.

“Since you’re always changing your mood so fast, we thought that being able to choose a picture to match might help,” Lilly said.

“So when she’s mad, you want her to stay that way?” I asked.

“No. When she’s mad maybe she can look at a picture of you and feel better,” Lilly said in a duh voice.

“Oh that makes sense,” I said. “Okay, my turn baby,” I said going to the tree to get my present for her. I had dropped it off yesterday.

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