“Thanks” I told him.

He squeezed my shoulder in reply.

We had just reached the park when Mark decided to turn around at the last moment and dash across the street. He was lucky the traffic wasn’t too bad. He didn’t bother looking back but must have known that the three of us were staring at him because he shouted back over his shoulder to let us know what the hell he was doing.

“Going to the shop, you guys go on ahead!”

Shaking his head in exasperation, Nick grabbed my hand and tugged me along, Jay following us without a word as we looked for a good place to sit down.

It seemed that we weren’t the only ones who were trying to make the most of the summery weather.

At first glance, I knew Mark was going to be disappointed at the distinct lack of talent around. There were many families and couples, and I smiled at the teenagers congregated here and there, making the most of their weekends and trying desperately to look cool as they lounged around in large groups. It was amazing how young they suddenly seemed to me, even though it hadn’t been too long since I was just like them.

We finally found the perfect spot; half in the shade of a tree, half out, and far enough away from the large fountain in the centre of the park that we weren’t constantly being hit with sprays of water.

I sat down and immediately wished I’d had the foresight to bring a blanket and maybe even a pillow. Now that we were here I had no plans to move for a very long time, and I wished I had something comfortable to lie on. I eyed Nick thoughtfully. He’d do, if needs be. He pulled down his dark glasses far enough to squint at me over the top of the rims. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

He sounded vaguely fearful and I had to wonder what sort of evil look I’d adopted.

“No reason” I said sweetly.

He gazed at me closely for another minute before subtly shifting a little away from me. I couldn’t help it, I laughed aloud at the way he was acting, my already good mood getting even better.

Mark didn’t take too long to find us, and when he did he was carrying an ominously full bag in one arm. I eyed it suspiciously, hearing the telling clink of glass. So he clearly wasn’t joking about the day-drinking. Okay, then. It was going to be one of those days.

He collapsed down beside Jay, hugging the bag to his chest like a beloved pet. Reaching in, he pulled four bottles of Heineken out, shooting me a look as he handed them out.

“No girly drinks for you, Sweetcheeks. Today, you’re one of the guys.”

I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I took the bottle from him. “Whatever you say.”

I glanced at my boyfriend. “I’m sure Nick won’t mind.”

He groaned. “Don’t start, Sweetheart.”

I grinned, knowing he was remembering my announcement from the day before that he was apparently gay.

“Did you also buy a bottle opener?” Jay directed at Mark, studiously ignoring the back and forth between Nick and I. I couldn’t blame him…we probably became fairly annoying to be around after a while.

It only took a moment of rummaging in one of his pockets for Mark to pull out a miniature bottle opener, attached to his set of keys. I sent him a questioning look.

He shrugged; “got it from a Christmas cracker a few years ago.”

I burst out laughing, imagining the delight he must have felt when he saw what he had won.

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