Chapter 47

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Chapter 47



Shannon’s P.O.V:



To say I wasn’t a ray of sunshine when I woke up was an understatement; mornings and I just weren’t friends, and I didn’t think we ever would be.

My alarm beeped loudly at half seven, and rolling out of my warm bed beside Nick was one of the hardest things I’d ever had to do – okay, so maybe I was being melodramatic.

Nick, of course didn’t so much as stir as I shuffled around my room, gathering my things as I grumbled to myself all the while. I took far too long in the shower, standing under the hot water long after I was clean.

At least it woke me up enough that I could open my eyes further than half-mast comfortably. I threw on my work clothes in the bathroom before towel drying my hair as best I could. I glared at Nick’s sleeping form as I walked to my bedroom door, insanely (and irrationally) jealous of his lie-in.

I managed to eat a slice of toast with my tea, but I wasn’t really hungry. I did manage to sit at the table for almost half an hour though, procrastinating as usual.

I glared at Nick again when I went to grab my bag, he hadn’t moved an inch. Feeling malicious, I decided he should suffer too.

‘Nick’ I said, shaking him. He mumbled something incoherently.

‘Wake up’ I said, louder than needed, smiling as he rolled over, grabbing my hand in the process.

‘Whadya want?’ he murmured, his eyes tightly squeezed shut.

‘I’m going to work’’ I softly pressed a kiss to his temple.

One dark eye popped open to stare at me. ‘When will you be back?’ he yawned.

I shrugged, ‘not ‘til after lunch. Why don’t you do something productive while I’m gone, like go shopping? The fridge is empty’

He muttered something less than kind under his breath, but nodded all the same.

‘Ta, love’ I grinned, ‘I’ll see you later’

I yanked my hand – with difficulty – from his grip, and headed for the door, my bag slung over one shoulder.

The morning was bright and crisp, and I breathed in the fresh air as I walked briskly off campus, taking in my surroundings. The ground was damp, the temperature was cool, and the colours were dull. It would be a while yet before spring came in and flowers started to bloom.

Despite not wanting to get out of bed, I was sort of glad to be going to work. It would be nice to have something to do, instead of just sitting around all the time – College didn’t start up again for a while. As much as I loved being lazy, everything in moderation.

Besides, I really wanted to see Becky. I found that I’d missed her sarcasm and almost-violent tendencies. Unfortunately, Toby wouldn’t be coming in until tomorrow, and I’d possibly have to put up with Jenny for longer than could possibly be healthy, i.e. more than five minutes.

When I opened the door to the familiar café, I was greeted by a nod from Rick and half a wave from Becky as they hurried around serving customers. It was as if I’d never left. There was the usual breakfast crowd, and the place was almost full.

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