Chapter 74

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*Brooklyn's P.O.V*

I swear these two can bicker all day long. They are like brother and sister fighting over a toy and am just hoping that one of them can just give it up for the other. I also feel like I am babysitting. What the hell have I done to deserve this? Wanna know what happened? I was out with Nikki and Dean because well Nikki wanted to have breakfast and she said that I can invite Dean so here we are well just watching Dean and Paige at each other throats. I am still wondering how she came up here. I didn't even see her.

"I swear you can be the most annoying person ever" Paige yelled. 

"No you are wrong. You are nothing but a two tone face bitch and just wants everyone to be friends with you and everything else" he said. 

"Excuse me? I am not two faced. I tell the truth about everything" she declared.

"Oh yeah you tell the truth? Like the time when you said you had feelings for me but really you were only trying to get into Brooklyn's head" he snapped.

"That's in the past. Forget about it" she scoffed at his comment.

"That only happened like a couple months ago. That is not the past" he was not letting this one. You will never be able to let anything go past Dean Ambrose.

"Well I am sorry for getting into your girlfriend's damn head" he hissed.

"Don't you dare bring me into this" I spat standing up glaring at her. She was doing the same thing to me and I didn't care.

"Babe, chill" Dean whispered to me. I was not gonna be saying the same thing to him because let me tell you think it's hard to calm him down. 

"Oh wow you are so stupid" Paige said to me.

"You wanna repeat that?" I asked. I wasn't in the mood for this and I felt bad for Nikki because she was watching this whole thing.

"Brooklyn you are so-" she was about to finish it but Dean was able to put his hand over her mouth cutting her off.

"Don't you dare say that" he hissed and then took his hand off of her mouth.

"I really didn't come over here to start trouble. All I wanted was to sort things out with Dean" she said starting to get calm again.

"I don't want to sort anything with you. I rather just yell at you all the time" he said getting his breakfast. 

"I am not gonna let this go. We need to do this" she said looking at him. He was now basically ignoring her. He didn't care.

"Dean" she said tapping his shoulder. He didn't do or say anything.

"Dean" she said now tapping his shoulder again but harder.

"DEAN" she yelled. We were now having people looking at us. Gosh, this is so awkward. I didn't want this to happen.

"I am trying to talk to you" she snapped. I saw him roll his eyes.

"Can't you fucking see that I don't want to talk to you. Get that through your damn head" he hissed.

"You know we have to do this" she said quiet.

He really was just starting to get tired of her. He wanted to slap her but he can't do that so that only leaves me to do it. 

"I don't want to do it" he snapped.

"Were gonna have to someday" 

"Paige just shut up" Nikki suddenly said. That made Paige eyes widened. She didn't even know that Nikki was gonna say anything.

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