Chapter 19

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*Brooklyn's P.O.V*

Please tell me that this is a dream. It can not be real. I am beyond shocked on whats in front of me and I have no idea on what to do. I am like speechless. Dean is at my hotel room with red roses in his hands? Why? I just..I have no words for it. See what I mean.

"I need to talk to you" he repeated and I let him into the room.

"So what brought you here?" I asked him. I was actually nervous or something as to what he was about to say.

"Well I really need to tell you something and it is very important." he said looking at the floor.

"What is it?"

"I like you Brooklyn" he just blurted out. Wait what?

"I get it you probably thought that I didn't feel the same but guess what I did." he said looking at me.

"I really have nothing to say" I told him.

"I know that I probably thought about this in one day but I couldn't take it anymore. You made me feel different Brooklyn. I felt different about everything."

"I know that isn't all that you have to say" I told him.

"Yeah I still got more to say. I know that we didn't really talk at all at first but I did notice you. I was scared to talk to you but when it was Hell in a Cell I just knew that I had to walk to you and that is what I did. As days continued that was when I fell hard. I was happy when I was able to give you a ride, take you out to that lunch. Most importantly when we had that kiss last night"

I still couldn't believe what he was saying.

"I was never the one to love. I wasn't. A lot of people know that I had a bad past and that I was never the one to change anything. Even when I was in the indies all I ever did was bang girls and then left them. But if I was with you then I would never do that. "

"I just wanna know do you feel the same for me?" he asked. I guess this is where I tell him.

"I suppose you kinda heard what Paige had said to you the other day. Saying that I was jealous that you two were talking and trust me I wasn't. The only thing that was bothering me was what she was doing. There was only a few people that knew my crush on you and that was The Bella Twins. Hint, why Nikki really wanted us to go out soon" I said before I continued.

"I just never was the one to go out, if you understand. But yeah I feel the same. I don't know how long my crush on you was but I did had one on you and I still do. It sometimes weird that my friends teased me about you" he chuckled.

"Same here. Roman and Dolph would do that as well"

"I completely hated when Paige did it though. She always had to bring you up someway"

"Well you don't have to worry about her no more" he said coming closer to me. That made me smile.

"But I also want to say though that I am not used to this. You know that. It will take some time but I would love the chance that you become my girlfriend" he said.

"Is that your way of asking?" he chuckled again.

"See I am not used to it"

"That's okay because I'm not either."

"So I believe that I have a question to ask you" he said. I pretended to not know what he is talking about.

"And what would that be?"

"Brooklyn, would you do me the honor and become my girlfriend?" he asked smiling. I couldn't believe this was gonna happen.

"I would love to" I said and he handed me the roses. He looked at me and was smiling so big and then he put his arms on my waist and then pulled me into him and then gave me a soft kiss. Our first kiss as a couple. I loved it so much and then he pulled away.

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