"I am sure that I know that but still I don't care. Just don't get in my way" she said in a stern voice.

"Paige this isn't really the time for this to happen" I told her and then right after she looked over at me.

"Brooklyn, it's been a while since I last talked to you. Like a week or two right?" she asked. I just nodded.

"So how are you and Dean now?" she asked. 

"We are fine. Better than ever" I smiled.

"I had heard about your break with him and man I am still surprised that he is still with you." she said.

"Paige just shut up and save it for the ring tonight, okay? We don't need your sass right now" Nikki said getting up.

"And what are you gonna do about it?"

"Well nothing really until later maybe. But for right now just stop. This isn't the time or place for it to be happening" she said coldly.

"I only came here to find out why AJ was saying shit about me" she shouted.

"If anything I was telling the truth. Now just go away because right now you are getting on my nerves" AJ said looking at her.

"Whatever I will take all of my frustration tonight in our tag match and same thing goes for you. Don't. Get. In. My. Way" Paige said and then started walking away.

"Really what is the matter with her?" Nikki asked. AJ and I both shrugged.

"We have no idea"


Now that we are at the arena we were able to be with Brie. She had decided to leave Daniel for a bit and just hang out with us. I didn't have a match so I didn't need to be in ring gear or anything. I was just gonna be on commentary. 

"So Brie guess what? Dean and Brooklyn did the dirty" Nikki said to her sister. Well that is just great, her telling her twin sister.

"Thanks for telling her" I told her.

"Well I had to. She is one of your best friends as well"

"Okay to be honest Nicole I didn't even want to know. It really isn't my right to know" Brie said. She was like being respectful about the whole thing.

"Oh whatever I knew you have been wanting to what they are doing"

"Actually no I don't" Brie said. Nikki had just waved her off.

"So really what we are gonna be doing is be on commentary?" I asked them and they nodded. I am like thankful so I don't have to do so much tonight.

"Yeah but I think we are gonna have some matches between us soon and I really can't wait" Nikki smiled.

"Yeah I can't wait either even though I just had a match with Naomi last night" I said.

"It really doesn't matter if you lose or anything right now but trust me we will come out on top and I can promise you that"

"I hope we do. I mean we are the most dominate divas here at the moment besides Paige and AJ" Brie said.

"We really just have to show them who is boss"

"Damn right we have to. Now I hate to be doing this but we might have to get ready for this commentary thing"

"No I don't want to get up right now" I said feeling lazy. 

"When aren't you lazy? Does Dean have to deal with you like this?" 

"Sometimes but he doesn't really care"  I smiled.

Believe in Me (WWE Dean Ambrose Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant