Chapter 773. Reasons

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Meanwhile, on a deep chasm, about 500 kilometers away from the coast, there was a merman and a demon facing each other. The merman spoke coldly. "We've already done what we could. Now we just need to wait for the results. Is there anything else that you want?"

The green-skinned demon laughed, her twelve wings neatly folded behind her back. "Nothing more. I'll take my leave." She approached the five-meter-tall merman, grabbing his chin with a smirk. "It's a shame you rejected me, though. I think we could've had a great time together."

The demon woman was four meters tall, about a fifth smaller than the merman.

The merman didn't react, looking at her coldly. The demon woman grinned and then licked his cheek, quickly flashing backward when the merman punched at her gut.

Seeing his wrathful face, the demon woman laughed loudly and used her wind element to move away rapidly. "Bye-bye, handsome~. You are delicious~."

The merman, with a disgusted face, used his hand to clean his cheek from the sticky saliva.

A star-fish man at his side asked. "What do we do now, Sect Leader?"

A mermaid in the group also spoke with a frown. "Right, are you sure about this? Those demons didn't look trustworthy."

The merman looked at her. "And what was I supposed to do? The demons currently have the support of the Ocean Chasm Empire. Not to mention, they are hopelessly strong. That green demoness has the strength of a mid-level Epoch Core, yet she could easily dodge my full-blow punch after she disgustingly licked my face. If we had denied their request, we would probably already be dead."

The mermaid grimaced and then spoke. "What if the Astral Sky Clan comes here? I've heard that the Astral Sky Sect has uprooted many powers inland. Moreover, what about the Mermaid Race? We are not too far away from their territory. With the summit coming, if we make trouble, we'll get on the bad side of the Mermaid Queen."

The merman sneered. "While I admit the Astral Sky Clan are powerful and influential inland, here is the sea. Fighting underwater is a very different thing. So, while they are powerful, they have to lower their heads when they are in our territory. Moreover, we are a first-rate sect. Even if they miraculously come, our defenses are not easy to breach."

The merman then added. "We are now allied with the Ocean Chasm Empire and deeply connected. If the Mermaid Race wants to move, they will have to consider many things before they do so. The current political situation is extremely messy, so the mermaids won't go out of their way and spend effort on us when the outer world beings are causing trouble all around the world. At most, they will send a unit to attack us and make us suffer for a bit. Still, we are far from being eliminated. "

The merman sat on his coral seat and sighed. "Worst case scenario, we reduce our activities for half a century and gather our strength again. I honestly can't predict how the situation will unfold now that otherworldly beings are interfering."

The mermaid was still unconvinced. "Should we at least enter the high alert mode? We can activate the stealth and defensive formations to their maximum. It will consume a few Flawless Parus, but it should be worth activating until the Summit."

A crab woman at the side protested. "That's a waste of our fortune! While the fully activated formation is certainly strong, it is not worth activating it unless we are in a life-and-death situation. According to what we've heard, the Astral Sky Clan only has 400 people, with only 100 of those being Epoch Cores and even fewer being high-level Epoch Cores. Even if the infamous Peak-Level Dragon Woman comes, a single person is not enough to breach our defenses. No matter how strong, she will get tired and eventually defeated by us."

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