Chapter 703. Final Challenge. A Dragoness's Brutal Combat.

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Trigger warning: Gore.


After that, all the people left were transported to a shared space.

Because of the difficulty of the last waves, the number of participants had been reduced to nothing more than 198. Less than ten percent remained from the initial number of challengers.

The place where they were transported was a large room with a massive formation that covered the center of the floor.

The space it took, while not as large as the challenge arena, was enough to allow comfortable fights between cultivators.

The things that this Library Competition had tested until now were individual qualities, and from this point on, a set of new rules were added.

Everyone listened closely.

"The last chance for the now losers has arrived. If you have [Challenge Tickets], you are able to challenge another person and place a bet. While points can be used as a bet, treasures or even contracts are also possible. However, there must be an equal value on both sides. If someone is challenged, they must accept the number of points the opponent bets, but they can reject the other bet at will. Finally, you can only challenge those above you."

"The limit to the points you can bet is half the distance between your points. For example, if someone has 200,000 Points and challenges a person with 300,000 Points, they can place a maximum bet of 50,000. There is also a minimum bet of 10,000 Points. So, if you have 200,000 Points and challenge someone with 203,000 Points, the bet will be fixed at 10,000 even if the point difference is only 3,000."

Our girls became thoughtful. 'So, now it will come biting back for those who used challenge tickets early since their points will be the highest. This means those who were at the top but pushed down by the ones who used their tickets early will have the chance to reclaim their ranks as long as they can defeat opponents with a good strategy. Even someone with 0 points could enter the top 50 ranks if they played it correctly.'

"Finally, there is no limit as to who you challenge as long as they are above you rank-wise. If no one issues a challenge in five minutes and there isn't an ongoing one, the event will end, and the positions will be fixed."

The question was, how many challenge tickets were there remaining? You might be surprised, but because the people with large multipliers were not being left that far behind, they took it slow and, therefore, didn't use theirs.

While a few in the sub-50 category were without them, that wasn't the case for many people.

The one with the least points, ranking 198th, had 398,300 Points, while the first rank had 583,900 Points.

The rest fluctuated between 440 and 550 thousand.

After they were done, the girls quickly looked around to search for Yasenia, and they promptly spotted her. However, their steps paused for a second at her state.

There were no facial expressions, and her body was in a state of high alert, ready to pounce. Her chest moved up and down with her deep and stable breaths, and she was looking forward with a concentrated expression.

Not wanting to disturb their lovely dragoness's concentration, they didn't approach too much, standing nearby but not close by.

They whispered to each other.

"What do you think she is doing?" Asked Evelyn, curious.

Tatyana answered with an interested tone. "Fascinating things. She is currently completely dominated by her instincts."

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