Chapter 737. Yasenia's Monstruous Talent.

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After she overcame the tribulation, Yasenia took a deep breath and then moved as she exhaled. There was plenty of Tribulation Energy inside her body, and she wanted to absorb all she could before leaving here.

For the first realm of Body Cultivation, the Initial Foundation Phase Realm, what the cultivator needed to do was coat the insides of their body with energy.

Unlike the Spiritual Path, where you needed to build the meridians and the dantian and then connect them, this was done in the second realm for the body cultivator.

The "body" was the cultivator's Dantian in the first realm. This was why body cultivation could start while being young instead of later in life when the body reached maturity.

With that in mind, Yasenia looked thoughtfully at the Tribulation Energy inside her. While it was negligible compared to the amount of energy she was used to dealing with, for a Body Cultivator in the first realm, this amount of energy was staggering.

She still had her Unification Realm cultivation locked away for fear that she would absorb this energy with her Spiritual Path instead.

Therefore, she could feel how the light but abundant energy strands rushed inside her.

Without delaying it anymore, Yasenia moved.

Unlike before, there were minor fluctuations that followed her movements, and the very essence of her motions had changed.

If she was similar to an expert martial artist before, now Yasenia looked like a supernatural being dancing. The extra layer of energy Yasenia created with her movements accentuated her ethereal nature.

The dragoness created these strands of energy around her tensing and relaxing muscles, and with the expertise that she had gained with her Spiritual Path, she would tangle the Tribulation energy and the standard energy to consolidate a part of her body.

She decided to go from the outside to the inside so that she could trap the energy inside herself with her cultivation.

First, the outer layer of her skin was coated. Her movements included stretching motions that reached her body, her tail included, and with these skillful stretching motions, she trained everything without leaving anything behind.

Yasenia already had extreme control over herself, and with the tips and tricks she heard from Andrea and her own cultivation technique, an event that left the ones outside flabbergasted occurred one more time.

As Yasenia moved and followed the technique's motions, her body greedily absorbed the environment's energy, using the Tribulation energy as the conductor.

When her entire skin was coated with energy, a small shockwave occurred around her, and Yasenia went from the low-level first body realm to the middle level.

From the outside, the girls could see a very thin but sturdy layer of energy coating her skin, her tail, and even her hair.

If she stood in a dark space, her body would have a very gentle and dim glow.

It happened in nothing but a few minutes. However, she was far from getting done with it.

Yasenia's mind became increasingly focused, and her genius exploded. She could feel the Tribulation energy trying to escape the confines she had created. Still, each time it decided to exist from a place, Yasenia would do a martial movement that included that body part.

Did it try to exist from her leg? Then, she would do a kick routine.

Did it try to exist from her abdomen? Then, she would do a series of crouching and swiping motions that used her core for the movement.

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