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Wei Ling was still sitting on the sofa. It took a long time before he remembered to shut his mouth.

"Why are you so stunned? Play it again and let me see." The sudden voice behind him startled him and he almost fell off the sofa.

"Grandpa?" Wei Ling turned around and saw that the old man's eyes were red for some reason. Before he could ask, he was urged again.

There was actually another section at the end of Ajian's video. Wei Ling originally wanted to watch it, but the image of the game promotional video just now was too powerful, and he really wanted to watch it again, so he changed his position and put his hand Change the single-player viewing mode of the ring to a large screen.

The grandfather and grandson sat side by side, looking up at the large floating light screen projected in the living room.

The second time he watched it was different from the first time. When he watched it the first time, Wei Ling couldn't think about it at all. His eyes and brain were shocked by the beautiful scenery. It was only the second time he noticed the game. various details.

The scenery is really well done!

Wei Ling didn't understand composition, light and shadow, etc. From the perspective of an ordinary player, he felt that the scenery in this game overall gave him a very harmonious, comfortable, and beautiful feeling.

Should it be said that it is the same author? The painting style of "Chicken" is completely different from that of "Journey". One is a cute fairy tale, and the other is a realistic scenery, but he can find something in common in both games, that is, Snowball's game seems to let players enter, You can relax.

Yes, relax. From the moment you see it and enter the game, you can relax. There is no need to tense up. The word "leisure" in casual games can be understood more clearly from his games.

Xuetuan seems to be really making games that allow players to play happily and enjoy themselves. His games have a unique romance and tenderness.

Suddenly, Wei Ling felt that he liked the author of the game even more, and he was inexplicably moved.

——This author really puts his heart into making games.

Although what he has presented so far is just this promotional video.

The video continued to play, and various buildings of different styles flashed across the screen, including bamboo houses, stilted wooden buildings, arch bridges, horse-head walls, small green tiles, rhythmic Huizhou buildings, and magnificent palaces... Even after watching it for the second time, Wei Ling was still overwhelmed and amazed at the same time.

He doesn't know the names of these buildings, because there are no such buildings in the interstellar world. The background of this world has alien beasts, combat machines and powerful firepower, so most people's residences are buildings with a stronger sense of technology and higher defense capabilities. .

It's hard not to be fascinated by these never-before-seen scenery. Not to mention the small corner of the monument shown later in the video.

They may be heroic, majestic or gorgeous. Just one glance can attract people to uncover their mysterious veil and understand their stories and culture.

Human beings all pursue beauty, and this promotional video contains shocking beauty. Therefore, after watching it for the second time, Wei Ling was not surprised at all that the barrage was filled to the brim.

Obviously, netizens who watched this video like him have gone crazy.

Especially at the end of the video, which Wei Ling didn't see in the previous video, was the part where Ajian showed off that he had a spot in the internal beta of "Journey". The text above was basically covered with barrage text, and Wei Ling had to turn it off before he could watch the video.

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