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Chapter 150

Update of "Heroes of the World" When Yan Xuezhou had an idea, he immediately wrote it down. Blocking can really be used in battles between players - players can fight against some monsters and NPCs, and as long as the angle is accurate, blocking can still be used successfully. .

In addition to this, Yan Xuezhou couldn't help but continue to diverge.

In martial arts, in addition to smooth and elegant moves and extremely handsome light kung fu, there is another skill that is also indispensable in martial arts movies, acupuncture.

Acupuncture is a bit too exaggerated to use in a combat situation, and it is not that easy to perform, but it is still quite interesting for entertainment.

In addition to acupuncture, there is another item that is also very suitable for entertainment-disguise.

Yan Xuezhou thought about it and realized that NCPs have actually used acupoints in many plots at this stage, but players do not have this skill. As for the skill of disguise, it is not a common skill. Only a few people in the world can use this skill to perfection.

These two skills are very suitable for improving the entertainment of some tasks. Take the lurking mission for example. The mission requires players to quietly lurk in someone's mansion. However, generally large mansions must have many servants and guards. If you want to avoid being discovered, you need to use disguise and acupuncture. .

Disguise can hide one's identity very well, and when encountering certain people, Dianxun can sneak attack and control the person for a period of time, gaining valuable mission time for himself or his teammates.

After players complete this type of plot mission, players can learn basic disguises and simple acupuncture techniques.

There must be experts in the martial world. Players can find experts in the world and learn more advanced techniques. When players learn how to disguise themselves to perfection, they can change their facial features and gender in the game. They can be male or female, old or young, and they can also get the special title "King of Thousand Faces".

This is definitely the most tempting entertainment skill for players who want to play with different genders and want a variety of face shapes.

This skill is not just for players to entertain themselves. The NPCs in the arena have a certain degree of intelligence, and they will speak and act according to their own personalities. If it is some lustful person, the player, who is originally a male character, can disguise himself as a beautiful woman and easily obtain available information from the NPC without having to find a female teammate. In the same way, if you meet some handsome guys you particularly like, players can also change their appearance from female to male.

In addition to gender differences, there are also some NPCs that are difficult to deal with. Players can also choose a weak appearance to make it easier to win the trust of NPCs.

However, body shape is a little more difficult. Players must learn the rare skill of bone shrinking to shrink from tall to short, from an adult to a half-grown child. It's just that this one has some limitations on the size of Loli Shota. At the moment, Yan Xuezhou can't think of any good corresponding skills. He will consider it later.

As for acupuncture, men, women, old and young can learn it. This skill cannot be used when entering combat. Even if it touches the opponent's acupuncture points during combat, it will not be able to successfully immobilize the person or something else. Otherwise, the balance will be broken. No matter how short the time is set, immobilization is still considered control. , one breath can change everything. Furthermore, when warriors fight, their internal energy is "moving", and it is unlikely that they can be targeted when they are unprepared, so this skill is only suitable for non-combat states.

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