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Chapter 72

It is no exaggeration to say that with Yan Xuezhou's current thoughts on the martial arts world, it is not too much to build a company for this game alone.

It requires so many things, game planners, architects, artists, music, and maybe martial arts instructors, which is the design aspect. There are also hardware facilities. Management, maintenance, new plots, new sects, and once a new plot comes out, the major plots of all servers will deviate from the previous ones and will continue to deviate.

Hidden, with Yan Xuezhou's temperament it was impossible to leave just one.

There are many hidden things, some of which are small. If they are discovered or not, it will not change the development of the big plot, but some of the hidden things are very critical. The original road split into two forks, and in the next two The road may also branch off into two branches. If this continues, players can play a variety of possibilities in the same game.

Can you imagine how rich and huge the content of this game would be if that were the case? It will be unknown, just like the real world.

Mu Changqing, Luo Yi and others have no doubt that if such a game can really be made, it will definitely be a huge hit. Even if it cannot directly reach the heights of "Wildness", sooner or later it will be comparable to it.

Really, Yan Xuezhou really dared to think.

This guy's ambitions are really staggering at times.

"?" Why didn't you say anything again? Staring at him like this, Yan Xuezhou will feel a lot of pressure!

He touched his nose and realized it. It sounded like the amount of work involved in this game was huge. Hey, he was on vacation, but he got excited when he mentioned the game, and accidentally talked too much. Who wants to hear about work during their vacation?

This game requires careful planning, and there is no need to rush.

However, Yan Xuezhou's desire for expression was satisfied, but the curiosity of others was completely aroused!

hateful! Let's just say that the way he smiled with a kind face before felt familiar! He also smiles like this when he cheats players!

So, the group of people went upstairs again to Yan Xuezhou's studio. Yan Xuezhou connected the holographic cabin with his bracelet and showed everyone the small arsenal he made yesterday.

After watching this, a group of people got stuck and couldn't get out.

"Ah? Isn't this flute the ancient musical instrument in "Journey"? Can a musical instrument also be a weapon? It's neither sharp nor harmful, and it looks like it can't hurt anyone at all!" "The

flute is still hard after all, and this one is called a whisk. They are all soft white beards, this? Weapon?"

"Outrageous! I also saw fans, all kinds of beautiful fans."

"Hey, I also saw umbrellas!"

Several people concluded, OK Guy, how come everything can become a weapon for the warriors in Yan Xuezhou's world! The most outrageous thing is that there is still yarn? !

They really don't want to sound ignorant, but the problem is this thing, it's not scientific!

Yan Xuezhou nodded: Yes, it is unscientific.

However, if you want to say it's completely unscientific, that's not right. Yan Xuezhou has really seen traditional martial arts playing with various weapons. Thin gauze can be turned into a killing weapon. The kind of strength and energy that can turn light and thin things into toughness is really beyond the reach of ordinary people. Arrived. There is also the skill of picking leaves and flying flowers, which seems to only appear in movies and TV series, but who can say that it is absolutely impossible?

Interstellar planning, making billions a day (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now