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In Chapter 187,

I knew that Xuetuan's heart was dark, but why did I open it even though I knew it? !

I'm so angry! I'm so angry! Players and netizens were talking about it while clicking on the promotional video again.

For the first time, they originally wanted to watch the gameplay, but they were attracted by the story unknowingly, so they had to come back and check it out again to analyze what kind of game it was.

After two and three swipes, comments under the promotional video began to pour out.

"I really don't know how to live or die! Why do you click on it?? Why?!"

"The dog planner is a real dog, and he did it on purpose!!"

"Who knows, family members, when they are most excited to watch, it is gone! No more... Wuwuwu..."

"I wish I could watch the next episode tomorrow, even though I know it's unlikely."

"If you can't do it, forget it. I didn't even show the whole story in the promotional video. Damn it! Snow Tuan, you It's getting worse!"

"Am I the only one who is seriously studying the word 'Tiandao'? I feel like this first edition has already explained what Tiandao means." "

Is the gameplay the same as in "Saints"? , as long as everything is displayed, all can be played? Races too?"

"Compared to "Saints", there don't seem to be so many races in this game, and the gameplay doesn't show much at the moment..."

Indeed, first of all The version of the promotional video has a stronger story and mainly introduces reincarnation. Players will go through this step after failing to overcome the tribulation. However, netizens still don't know exactly what cultivating immortals is like, so everyone is still a little unclear about how to play the game in this first version.

I only know that the characters in the scenery are still of high quality. We need to see more game content displays in order to analyze more gameplay.

Of course, Yan Xuezhou also thought of this, so this time, after releasing the first version of the promotional video on the first day, he released the second version at the same time the next day.

Let the players who were tossed and turned and cursed because of the plot the day before experience what a roller coaster is.

Netizens who were surprised: You know how to play with players! !

Netizens who couldn't wait to complain quickly clicked on the second version of the promotional video.

The second version of the promotional video follows the previous plot, the entrance examination of Tianyan Sect.

This assessment is a forest at the foot of Tianyan Sect Mountain, which is also called a trial place for new disciples by the sect. There are various monsters inside. These monsters are not spiritually enlightened, are vicious and bloodthirsty, and are quite evil. The level is not high and the appearance is sloppy. The monks who want to enter the sect must pass this trial place. The better the ranking they get and the higher the talent and strength they show, the more they will be favored by the elders in the sect and become Inner disciples, even personal disciples.

In this life, Yun Ling's physical aptitudes were mediocre, but he had cultivation experience and a different character from others, so there was no doubt about his strength. But he knew the Tianyan Sect's way of survival, so even though he was very strong, he hid his clumsiness in the assessment and was only prepared to get mediocre results so as not to attract anyone's attention.

Interstellar planning, making billions a day (unedited)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें